What would you do? (GM Situation)

doctors don’t make what they charge here. If you have any healthcare insurance, goto the doctor and then read the statment that the insurance providers sens you. Most doctors, hospitals, ect. have negotiated standard fees for standard procedures. Even though your doctor may charge $120.00 for an office visit, he is is only getting $35.00 from the insurance plus co-pay, in my case another $10.00, for a total of $45.00 for a bill ge thought was worth $120.00.

The unions only stay because of the dead beats. A guy that goes to work everyday, does his job, and causes no trouble will never need a union. They only protect the workers that want to blow off every other day, thats wants to come to work drunk and high, and that wants to cause more hassles for the boss than getting work done. If most of these types of employees were gone, you would be paying less for the final product, and would have no need for a union. The unions love them, and they love the unions.

Number 6 is a huge expense any way you look at it. Either you pay out the ass for training, or you pay out the ass for bullshit injuries/comp. claims. Either way your gonna pay. If you really want to lower yor work place bullshit claims, give everyone an incentive. An extra $.10 an hour for every year of no lost time accidents. Something like that, at least in the end your getting something for your money.

And back to the subject at hand, you cant fix a broken wheel by replaceing it with a broken wheel. If the goverment wants to fix the auto industry, they need to step in, remove any and all mangement, remove any and all unions, and start over fresh. But as soon as you let the unions back in, your just working yourself back into the black hole they are currently in.

Hell look at steel, if any of you all remember the '80s and the fall of steel, it’s starting to look like arepeat again to me.