Let me take over GM...


Seeing as they brought NOTHING to the table yesterday, I have a business plan/solution that would turn around GM in 24 months.




Chevrolet (its the everyday man’s car company)
Buick (its the old folks car company)
Cadillac (higher end company)

The problem GM has is that for the past ten years or so, they’ve been competing against themselves. Spending BILLIONS of dollars on vehicles for paint colors, brochures, R&D, marketing, dealerships, body panels, wheels, parts and engines that are all counterparts to similar vehicles amongst other subsidiaries.

For Example:

Chevy Trailblazer
GMC Envoy
Isuzu Ascender
Buick Rainer
Saab 9-7x
Oldsmobile Bravada

ARE ALL THE SAME FUCKING AUTOMOBILE. They all drive the same, and relatively look the same. However, they use different headlights, slightly different body panels, wheels, R&D, engine parts, dashboards, brochures, advertising, seats, tail lights, emblems, and body colors. They all have different sticker prices, and incentives. They all compete against themselves. Think of the money that could be saved if you didn’t have to hire people to design all these different parts, and manufacture them.

Now, if you were getting rid of GMC, Saab, Oldsmobile (RIP), you wouldn’t need the Envoy, Bravada and 9-7x. Let alone the millions of dollars spend on these vehicles for all the items mentioned above. However, because you’d be keeping the Buick Rainer line and the Chevy Trailblazer line… NIX THE FUCKING RAINER.

Take all this money you save and make the vehicles you do have…more reliable.

The reason foreign companies are kicking your ass right now, isn’t just because they are better built vehicles, but because these companies (HONDA/ACURA, NISSAN/INIFINTI, TOYOTA/LEXUS) don’t share the same markets as their subsidiaries. No one looking at a Highlander is going to look at an RX350. They drive different and share only a chassis.

You wouldn’t fire anyone in the factories, because everyone making Envoy’s will now be making Trailblazers…your volume stays the same.

It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to have different lease specials for these vehicles. Your Trailblazer is going to be atleast $60/month cheaper than an Envoy. FOR THE SAME DAMN VEHICLE.

Especially get rid of GMC. In the market we are in, you don’t need a “TRUCK ONLY” company. Sell only Suburbans, and Tahoes…instead of both of those models plus Yukons. If you didn’t have an entire team dedicated to making the front ends, emblems, gauges, wheels and parts different, and the cost of the molds and research to make them different as well as the different paints and brochures, commercials and incentive programs…you’d save MILLIONS.

How fucking stupid are you to compete against yourself. If someone likes the Tahoe enough to cross shop it against a Yukon, that same person is going to be okay with only having the Tahoe offered through Chevy. Especially when a Tahoe will end up being $50-$100 less a month. And because you aren’t spending all this money to develop sister and cousin cars…you can make the cars you do make, more reliable.

Close the Pontiac dealers and tell them, they have to sell whats left of GM (Chevy, Buick, Cadillac). If a dealership only sells Saturn’s…TOO BAD. See ya.





:tup: to the rant, GM is a fucking disaster of a company,and its no wonder why there broke, there run by FUCKING MORONS, Im almost sick of ranting about it, you covered teh point well though.


maybe when they have their next meeting in a few weeks you should come running in screaming this plan and see if it takes? Never know you might get handed $25 billion!!!

Oh and you are keeping the cts-v right? couldn’t resist.

THE TRAILBLAZER’S AND ENVOY’S SHARE THE SAME RADIO. However a T.B. lights up green, and a Envoy’s lights up orange. Make it so they only light up green, if you don’t like it…FUCK YOU.

You do realize that they have billions of dollars invested in each subdivision/plant to make these other vehicles right? meaning that they couldnt just whipe the slate clean without going bankrupt and losing there investment.

Not to mention all the saturn/pontiac, etc dealers they would have to buy out do to contracts?

Cadillac will stay how it is…

The only thing that won’t be around in the lines that are staying, will be sister cars. Buick Rainer’s will go, because you’ll only have Trailblazer’s.

However, I’d get rid of the ZR-1 RIGHT AWAY. Spend the Millions in manufacturing, testing, Research, Development, brochures, and advertising on cars you’re going to sell. Not vehicles you’re going to sell 500 of.


Except, you are NOT a GM buyer.
My dad is a typical GM buyer, he buys a new pickup truck every 2 years.
His desicision on pickups are the look of the grill, hence why some years he bought GMC, and others he bought Chevy.
If it wasn’t for GMC those years, he might have swung towards a ford/dodge.
Older people (like my dad) love options, If he doesn’t like the look of a trailblazer, he will buy the envoy, or, maybe the Saab. There, GM did it’s job, if it wasn’t for GMC, or Saab, my dad could have bought a Honda, or Toyota.

Domestic car buyers are such a different breed, and are usually in a different generation than us. Think GM is in trouble now?
Wait until our generation gets into buying new cars every year or so, then we WILL see domestics go under.

Of course, outside of Chapter 11, killing those brands would be more money than GM is worth. (just shy of 2.3 Billion at last check) Killing Oldsmobile alone cost them $1 Billion in compensation, lawsuits, etc.

They’re going to go bankrupt anyways at the pace they are traveling. Your Envoy plants will make Trailblazer’s now. But at the cost of only manufacturing one kind of headlight, instead of 6.

Too fucking bad, you’re not going to have people cross shopping throughout your company at the cost of manufacturing ten different vehicles that drive the same, but have different head lights.

Trucks are the #1 selling type of vehicle in America. Not SUV’s not cars. Trucks are used in industry and every person in the south has one. I wouldn’t hedge GMC completly, maybe keep the plants and merge them as just a Chevy. Lose the brand name and the marketing dollars that it consumes.

Other than that :bigclap:

GM would also have to buy back every pontiac, gmc, saturn they sold to dealers. This alone would probably put them bankrupt. Im not disagreeing with you at all, however there so deap in shit that they can no longer cut the loose ends. They appear the be over extended.

It does make me wonder though - what will happen to all the Pontiac and Saturn loyalists that have been created over the years (and yes, they do exist). Killing Oldsmobile didn’t mean that the other divisions inherited their sales.

Too bad, your dad will have to live with it. The fact that only one kind of pick-up is made now, will make it more reliable. Just because your dad likes options instead of reliability and resale value, shouldn’t mean GM needs to waste money.

The reason people buy Tundra’s isn’t because they look nice. Its because its reliable, the resale value is awesome, and its out preforms all the other trucks in its class.

In the economy today, people are motivated by quality, not quantity of choices. They want something that is going to rot, before it breaks down.

FWIW - from what Rick said at Congress, I’d bet we won’t be dealing with this after Christmas. GM will be either bailed out or belly-up by then.

Oh, and BTW Beck - if people were buying Tundras, why is it that the factory workers in the brand-new factory in Texas were asked to take a three month sabbatical?

I don’t think it’s that easy.

It may have something to do with the thousands of employee’s GM has on their conscience.

That’s what I’m saying. Make all your GMC’s, Chevrolet’s. You don’t need to manufacture different grills FOR THE SAME TRUCK.

All your Sierra plants will now only make Silverado’s.