Gauging interest in Drift Event

Have you spoken with Schenectady County Airport at all, they used to hold auto-x events IIRC.

yeah my lexus is getting too nice to destroy.

Maybe i can pick up a 240 before this however and participate

I still like the ACC idea

Never been up there, but if it’s big, black, and i can burn some rubber in it im down.


yeah im deff down for it… count me in

fwd ftl :frowning:

We haven’t yet, but thats a good idea…do they have a big open lot?

We are going to try ACC as well since they hold autocross events there


i’m possibly in… need to get my hands on some shitty rubber though.

I suggest you expand your scope far outside of Albany. The SCCA guys look for spots 24/7 and haven’t found much of anything local.


we definitely are looking outside of albany, by keeping it local we mean within an hour or two…

fn skanks…we may have a deal on used tires, what size do you need?

they have like 12 huge open lots, not to mention the little road-course esque setup they have for the trooper driver training.


Yeah i totally am pussying out. I know.

but i’d be fucked if something bad happened cause insurance i know wouldn’t cover damage at a track event and I still owe like $5500 on the car

Well #1… i doubt there wil be walls that come out of nowhere, or other cars for that matter

and 2 ill gladly help push/tow the car somehwere near a road and say it was a hit and run along with me as an alibi

plattsb urgh has a vacant airport?

It’s in a parking lot, what are you going to hit?


You know we support you guys 100% and will help out were we can!