Gauging interest in Drift Event

you guys have never been to ACC i take it. the parking lot is uneven, there are light poles and tress

Thanks man, we appreciate it…

you guys should set up a small booth or something if we get this thing going

I’ve autox’ed there many times. I’d assume you’d be trying to avoid the light poles? Maybe drift around them? :rofl

Throw my name on that list, i’m definatly down… And if you need any help setting the events up or getting it going let me know, I helped out back in the day organising DGTrials and Club Loose Events

we could def use your help man. oh and SC airport is a no go. 1. they put up a new building in the same lot that the troopers used for the training and 2. they told me they would not do it there because it is also shared space with the stratton airforce base. shits weak! but whatever. one down a million more to go!

auto x?


I’d be down for a drifting meet :open_mouth: mostly for practicing :smiley:

We all did stupid things when we were kids.

I’d come to hang out, unless I have a certain car before said date :ninja

You can take an M3 if I can take the Altima.


Nice edit. That’s why I said “an,” as in, either/or. :slight_smile:

Whatever gets you fuckers out to actually DRIVE cars is cool with me.

I’d be at every HPDE you clowns are at if I had teh monayz. Once my $504/month payment goes away you’ll be seeing a lot more of my n00b ass getting pwnt :open_mouth:

Acc would be okay with it but we need to contact the SCCA for new england to push permission to access an event of this nature. We can’t go directly through ACC because of the permit setup. The track is a wide open parking lot, in the lower lot which has been used numerous times. As 4 year student up there I have already talked to them a couple times about the setup. They carry so of the general liability so…it’s cheapers compared to a vacant venue. I think collectively we should get a letter sent out to hold 3 event series or something through the SCCA drift section with all the participants that are in for the season. It would be small be a start for the 518.

Partnering with the SCCA takes away 50% of the hassle you’re dealing with now but adds a different 50%. They take care of all the insurance, permits, etc which is a huge load off your shoulders.

Downside is you have to play by SCCA rules. That means safety as if your grandmother was running the show. The means it’ll take a decade to get your permits. It means you have to wait months for approval from the SCCA to even start the process. And you also have to get an SCCA official to endorse it (probably not hard), and most likely help plan and run it (much harder). They are great people, but it’s still like dealing with the DMV.

If you can secure your own permit and insurance, do it on your own. If not, try the SCCA.

Also, at some point, someone will have to come up with a good chunk of money out of pocket. Anyone have this worked out yet? [Rhetorical question]

Clark…no more Patroon tech huh. Shit, that means I really have to build a legal track car now :smiley: :wink:

Looks like I better stall some other projects and build this 240 soon.

we are also looking into USDrift, which like the SCCA provides insurance.

however,like JClark said, it can be kind of a hassle since the rules and regs are pretty strict…we have contacted them and are trying to figure out the details.

that’s what I like to hear!

Hah! Yeah the 240 is the project of mine that is lowest on the totem pole at the moment, but also the cheapest one by about $60K. I’ll hopefully get to it between all the scheduled stuff here; being booked out through May already doesn’t really help in the time department :ohnoes

In. as long as its before i goto basic. in mayish/june.

I have 12 tires on rims i need to get rid off :slight_smile: