Gauging interest in Drift Event

deff. interested, if my car is together by spring

Okay here’s the run down.

I Already talked to SCCA they said no.
Talked to AMEC they said no.

Talked to USDrift, they’re on board as long as you (*we) can provide the App fee.

Don’t be afraid of driving, nobody here is good. We’re not going to make fun of you, hell if you’re out there at least you’re trying (better than %50 of people on Zilvia). Having an event is a way for all of us to get better together. Event wise we’re looking for 25-30 cars/drivers. Like Sam said entry is $60-$80. Should be a good time no matter what.

Here are possible venues. I’ll call all of them by Sat.
-X-gates: we have a meeting with them on the 26th.
-Wilton Mall: they’ve held SCCA autoX’s before, and the PR lade agreed to meet up with us.
-Lebanon Valley: I’m unsure of the parking lot’s pavement quality can someone comment on this. However, having a track host the event seems like a good idea since they’re familiar with motorsports. If anyone has connections to LVD please let me know.
-ACC: I’ll give them a call see what they say.
-Plattsburg airport (vacant?): can someone find me the name of it and/or contact info?
-SC airport: is a no go sam/jason should I still write up the propersition?

I’d appreciate any other ideas for venues along with contact information.

I’ll report back probably Saturday night.

^^ Sweet. Holler if you need a hand with anything, happy to help the tire shredding madness.

if u will let me pass tech with shaved door handles i am down for trying to drift the mr2, if not ill just spectate.

something simple as shaved door handles DQ you? i understand safty (crash) wise but thats it. that would suck. you need pics of the MR getting sideways

Most likely shaved doorhandles wont pass tech… You can drift my S14 that ill have there… just fix what you break… Same goes for anyone else that dosent have a drift worthy car

Im down w/ drifting the Z!


time to find some cheap tires…

I may be up to tryin out this madness

+1 !!! It would be awesome to see the caprice sideways!!! I love those cars :smiley:

I got plenty of spare tires on 15" steels, idk how well they would work

I was thinking more about drifting the vette lol, but now u got me thinking

What kind of rear diff is in the caprice? Posi?

I dream of a land of asphault, in the middle of a forest.

this sig crap is confusing

fuck all you biter hoes.

I will come so I can drive fast and not drift. awd

yeah that’s fun.

yes. it dqs me from almost everything besides sitting at a car show. something i didn’t think about when i did it. scca, hpde, hell even lv shouldn’t let me racer there but they do.

i don’t even know u but i love u already. lol.

X gates might be hard to settle and difficult to get a large enough lot w/o light poles. Used to deal with them when I was a security guard for awhile.

SCH is contacted by local authorities(NYST/glenville PD, etc) for use of old section of runway 15/33 and is actually undergoing construction in that area so it’s going to be highly unlikely. Used to fly out of there quite proficiently years ago and even back then they were very closed to the public for this type of venue.

Plattsburg International??? That’s the old SAC military base. Good luck with that one. It’s like ALB, which don’t allow jack squat.

ACC/SCC would be plausible due to location and type of “arena”. Don’t forget Skidmoore.

Also consider wholesale/resale business distribution centers. Wallmart/Target ones come to mind(target off exit 16, wallmart out by johnstown/fonda). Huge places with plenty of space. not sure who you’d have to talk to.

You can drift AWD, trust me. You just need more powa to keep all four spinning :wink: hahah!