Drift_ready180sx - Z32 Conversion Front & 240SX Rear - $175(Niagara)
Solarian (Antonio) - Z32 Conv Fronts, Z32 Conv Rears - $200 (GTA pickup, ASAP)
240 ville - Z32 Conversion Front & 240SX Rear - $175 (GTA pickup, ASAP)
Average Player - z32 conversion fronts. - 100 (GTA pick up asap)
P.Ruddy - Z32 Conversion Front & 240SX Rear - $175 (GTA Pick up) PAID
P.Ruddy is the only one who has paid so far. C’mon people, get the money
in. Sunday is the cutoff, and is fast approaching!
I need the money in by tommorow or P.Ruddy will be the only one getting
I’m coming to your house tommorow to pay you. What time will you be home?
August 13, 2005, 10:10am
I’ll pick them up from your place, I don’t think I will be able to go to the Niagara meet. Just let me know once they are in.
August 20, 2005, 9:42pm
your bringing these to the meet tomorrow correct?
August 20, 2005, 10:57pm
Yup… I am one set short for 240sx Rears… so whoevers not paid yet
will have to wait for the next batch.
Everyone else is good to go.
Drift_ready180sx - Z32 Conversion Front & 240SX Rear - $175 (Niagara) PICKED UP
Solarian (Antonio) - Z32 Conv Fronts, Z32 Conv Rears - $200 (GTA pickup, ASAP) PAID
240 ville - Z32 Conversion Front & 240SX Rear - $175 (GTA pickup, ASAP)
Average Player - z32 conversion fronts. - 100 (GTA pick up asap) PICKED UP *
P.Ruddy - Z32 Conversion Front & 240SX Rear - $175 (GTA Pick up) PAID
Updated list…
Solarian, come pick your stuff up.
P. Ruddy come pick your stuff up.
240 Ville, I have only the front lines for you, rear 240sx are sold out and
since you haven’t paid yet, you’ll have to wait till they are back in stock
(should be very soon). For now I need $100 for the fronts (you can pick
them up whenever) and when the rears are ready you can pay the other
$75 and I’ll have them shipped to your door…
That is all.
no problem, I’m working 3pm to midnight, can I come by during the day around 1:30-2 on saturday or sunday?
August 26, 2005, 12:16pm
Thats fine, just give me a call before you want to come…
647 219 4782 and I’ll make sure someone’s there so you can pick them
I couldn’t make it this weekend, a buddy came down out of no where but I will be able to come by Thursday evening, is that cool? I’ll call you on my way back into the city.