GB: expanding reinforcement foam

Just to make life easier for all those who have been talking to me about the foam … I’d like to get it sorted out here. For most needs the 8lb 2 part will be sufficent , you cango to a lighter 4lb but you loose structural strength in all catagories and particular the torsional strength, which is what it’s being used for. I’ve spoken to some people already on how to use and pour but i will explain to others as well or I can do the work here or on site given the right tools are available … cost on the product is @ $52 usd for 2 cubic feet, ( enough to do the rockers and reinfoce the frear wheel tubs. )

no shipping numbers so far… I may be able to do a pick up…

Free Rise Density: 4.0 lbs cubic ft.
Expansion Rate: Approx. 15x Liquid Volume
Buoyancy (flotation): 58 LBs per Cubic Ft.

*Physical Properties:
Parallel Compressive Strength: 90 psi
Tensile Strength: 110 psi
Shear Strength: 70 psi
Flexural Strength: 120 psi

Free Rise Density: 8.0 lbs cubic ft.
Expansion Rate: Approx. 8x Liquid Volume
Buoyancy (flotation): 54 LBs per Cubic Ft.

*Physical Properties:
Parallel Compressive Strength: 250 psi
Tensile Strength: 225 psi
Shear Strength: 130 psi
Flexural Strength: 350 psi

so far :

  1. TM 8 cubic feet 240
  2. prodigy 8 cubic feet Fc3S
  3. rotorkami 12 cubic feet Fc3S

if we get enough orders I can bring it in as a larger container lower the cost and break into smaller parts. ( if need be )

I’d like to also point out that when this hardens it cam be covered with composite/glass epoxy/poly whatever, this is great for stereo enclosues and if your looking to make your body kit bullet proof then you can use this to back it … people interested in this should come kick the crap out of my MK III front bumper… you’ll never damage it.

is the foam flameable?

more info. whats this for?

no when dry it is not flameable all the propellant burns off via exothermic loss in a fire it WILL melt but it’s got to get pretty hot.

the stuctural; foam is related to the frame stiffening topic in the technical section.

not sure what other info you want, I can list out specs on shear.torsional and structural loads…

so this will be used to inject into the frame rail,rockers and any other areas that may be hollow to stiffen chassis. This is a very good idea and my only concern is will it trap moisture. I.E. start rust


Just about to comment on that, this foam is a closed cell so no mositure can be caught/trapped in it, it’s also hydrophobic, it repells water, ( this is the same thing they put into sea plane floats and boat hulls… ), it has more then enough surface pressure to push ANY moisture out of the way and it will bond to the interior metal surfaces…

Yeah put me down for 8 instead of 16 plz. Thx.

When is this GB due and will you be teaching us how to apply this stuff? From the thread it technical, this pretty much seems like a miracle substance lol…
I’d also like to know how much would be needed to"properly" reinforce a 240

Pretty much: If you tell me how much I need, and what to do with it, and the group buy isn’t like… now, I’m in 100%

It’s rather intuitive… However, if it gets on anything, its there for good… Including paint, glass, skin (in which it has been said to bond to for 3 weeks). How much you need to buy will depend on the lbs/cu value.

It’s impervious to all known solvents and chemicals. If you screw up, you screw up.

Also, it will probably require you to strip some interior or remove some exterior panels in order to properly do this…

I was more curious as to where I want to stick it (up my… isn’t really an option :D), since I don’t know much about which parts of the S chassis are weak and need re-inforcing. Since this seems relatively good/cheap I figured I’d get it now and stiffen up the chassis, but as I said, I’m only in if someone that knows what they’re doing (not me) tells me what to do with it :smiley:

vol. is based on just how far you want to go with stiffening up the frame… in speaking with TM we’ve discussed a few placed to insert the mix the nice thing about it is that it bonds to it’s self , even after cure. meaning you can under pour and keep doing that till it’s ‘full’

I’ve had requests for techniques and demos or even installs of this product… i will be giving some demos on how to use it after we get the first batch. we may have enough for that now. Just have to make sure the Canadian supplier is really on the ball with this… I don’t trust some of these internet sales staff to truly have a clue…

the estimate for basic stiffening onnthe 240 is the rockers… TM has estimated that to do the rockers and rails he’s going to meed between 6-8cu/ft. to do just the rails… I would think that 4-5 cu/ft would be enough… after that it’s pretty much up to you how far you want to take it, thier are allot of cavities that can be filled in the 240 … to stiffen the car in yaw/pitch/roll

If you were building a street/daily driver car that will see some auto-x duty, would you end at just the rockers, or? Comfort is not an issue at all with me, I don’t mind a bumpy ride, I just want to stop at whatever will become overly difficult/expensive to do, as I don’t have excessive money/skill. And what are the dates on the group buy? If it’s too soon for the first one and multiple will be run, I’m in for the latest one, if this is the only one… blaah… I guess I’ll have to credit card it :smiley:

You dont want to know what I think you need for a street car…

Hmm… I have no problem with you giving an overly technical answer and recommending overkill things. Infact, I do want to go as much overkill as I can on my car. But then again, there’s the very high chance that you were just going to tell me off rather than making a technical reccomendation, so maybe I don’t really want to know :slight_smile:

EDIT: And despite the fact that you most likely still hate me, I’ve actually grown to like you through some weird series of events.

Seems to be normal…

2-4lb/cu/ft density will give you 40-80% increase in chassis rigidity aproximately…

That should be more then enough for the applications you speak of…

i’m in. PM me when it gets close to payment date. Should organize a meet for installation.

never thought I’d say this to a bunch of guys… but bring your latex gloves…

i’m in. PM me when it gets close to payment date. Should organize a meet for installation.

Please PM me as well…

Please PM me as well…[/quote]

I take it you didn’t find it any cheaper…

Please PM me as well…[/quote]

I take it you didn’t find it any cheaper…[/quote]

Nope, This Stuff is an Awesome Deal :smiley:

Bob How does one go about Filling thier rails with it?

Do they drill holes in to the rails from up top and pour/spray it in?

Or is it done through the Bottom?

Is this stuff Spay in like Mono Foam found at Home Depot or is it a Mix you make and Pour it in Like Cement?