GB: Kaaz Differentials - 1.5 or 2 way

Alright a lot of people are expressing their interest in getting a REAL diff.

When it comes to drifting, a VLSD just can’t cut it. They get old, worn out
and overheat and begin to behave like and open diff.

If you are serious about drifting you need a real LSD in order to put the
power to the ground, drift at higher speeds, higher slip angles, and to get
the turn-in you want.

A 1.5 way LSD locks hard on acceleration, and less on decel
A 2 way LSD locks hard under both accel and decel

The specific diff I was thinking to do a group buy on was Kaaz, since they
seem to be the diff of choice by many people in both the states and

There are plenty of threads and discussion on these diffs on various
boards and the experiences seem to be positive. Kaaz has a US office so
it would be easier to deal with any problems than some “JDM” diff
manufacturers. Also the fact that this company specializes in diffs gives
me the piece of mind that they know what they are doing and stick to it.

Anyways to get the best price we will need 10 buyers, it can still go
through with less, but 10 is the goal. All units will be shipped to my house
in Richmond Hill where you can pick them up, or I can bring them to you
at one of the meets.

I will be dealing directly with Kaaz and I don’t have the capital to pay for
them. I’ll be giving you the best price, but I will need full payment front.
If you need a receipt for your payment that is fine. For Paypal add 3% to
the final price.

Post here if you are interested.

Estimated cost is: $800USD tax, shipping, customs, etc all included.

I will update the price as details are worked out, but be assured you will
be getting the best price.

If interested please post:

  • Screenname (Chassis) Stock Diff Type - Kaaz Diff type
  • iQuABoB (S13) Open - 2 way

We will put the buy through as soon as everyone interested has signed up
and paid. (Hopefully by the end of the month)

  • Screenname (Chassis) Stock Diff Type - Kaaz Diff type
  • iQuABoB (S13) Open - 2 way
  • SHIFT_SR20DET (S13) VLSD - 2 way
  • Screenname (Chassis) Stock Diff Type - Kaaz Diff type
  • iQuABoB (S13) Open - 2 way
  • SHIFT_SR20DET (S13) VLSD - 2 way
  • GT_GREG (s13) vlsd - 2 way


  • iQuABoB (S13) Open - 2 way
  • SHIFT_SR20DET (S13) VLSD - 2 way
  • GT_GREG (s13) vlsd - 2 way
  • iQuABoB (S13) Open - 2 way
  • SHIFT_SR20DET (S13) VLSD - 2 way
  • GT_GREG (s13) VLSD - 2 way
  • HIBIKI (S14) VLSD - 2 way
  • boMex (S13) VLSD - 1.5 way
  • iQuABoB (S13) Open - 2 way
  • SHIFT_SR20DET (S13) VLSD - 2 way
  • GT_GREG (s13) VLSD - 2 way
  • HIBIKI (S14) VLSD - 2 way
  • boMex (S13) VLSD - 1.5 way
  • Pavel (S13) Open - 1.5 way

The price will be around $810USD as of last update. If we can get a
couple more people then I can try going straight to Kaaz and hopefully
get a better price.

The differential for open diff is an extra $100USD

what is the delivery time ??
is it a guaranteed date?

No guaranteed time, but it will be here within about 2 weeks of whenever we
order. So the sooner we get everyone interested, the sooner we order
the sooner they arrive.

The model for the S13 w/ open diff is an extra $100USD and only comes in
2 way. Sorry Pavel.

Okay final price is $1100CAD… I called around and thats the best price I
can get. Mark up on Kaaz appears to be quite slim.

Good news, I need only a $500 deposit up front, and the remaining
balance can be paid at time of pickup.

Everyone on the list can bring me the deposit this thursday at Dr. Inks
since you are all in the GTA.

This includes LSD, shipping, duty, etc. Thats your final cost.

They will be here within 10 business days from when the order is placed.

We are saving on shipping and the supplier has agreed to mark down
the price for customs :slight_smile: so this is the cheapest price you will find. Get in
now, or end up paying more later.

Anyways so far we have 5 buyers, this deal I’ve made is for 10 diffs, so
we need a few more people to make it happen.

  1. SHIFT_SR20DET (S13) VLSD - 2 way
  2. GT_GREG (s13) VLSD - 2 way
  3. HIBIKI (S14) VLSD - 2 way
  4. boMex (S13) VLSD - 1.5 way
  5. Pavel (S13) Open - 2 way

Hurry up and sign up so we can get this done.

so how much is the diff roughly?

$1100 for VLSD type or 1240 for open type…

I’ll be at dr inks tonite, see you all there with deposits right? right…?

is this meeting canceled? i was in Dr.Ink but i didn’t c anyone there…???

It was raining and everyone left so I didn’t wanna sit around in the parking lot by myself.

Thanks to everyone for showing up :roll:

Anyways you guys can drop off deposits at my house, msg me for addy

Okay guys I worked out a new deal

I only need $100 deposit from everyone, but we need 10 buyers for this

$100 deposit and a free can of Kaaz Gear Oil for the first FIVE people to
sign up ($80 retail)

C’mon guys, lets make this happen, you won’t find a better price on these

So it’s $100 deposit and the final total still works out to be $1100?

If thats the case im in dude We can meet up Thursday at Ink’s.

Whats the waiting period?

Still 10 Days?

Not 10 days from deposit, 10 days from when we get 10 people and order

Total is still 1100

We will order ASAP, but tell your freinds so we can do it sooner than later.

those 5 bottles of kaaz oil already got taken up?? :smiley:

also this is the new KAAZ LSD with 16 discs ?

Yes its the newest model

Only one person has paid me, HIBIKI

We only get this price and free oil with 10 orders, so unless you guys get
your stuff together there will be no free oil.