GB: Nismo gloves (great for track)

well i’m about to place an order for some nismo gloves and if anyone wants to hop on this let me know asap. you can reach me at, ill be placing an order sometime this week so let me know if you want it. sorry for the short notice forgot to post this gb up lol

they are NEW nismo gloves it’s made of polyurethane (5%) and cotton 95% and the Nismo logo is silicon. only comes in red according to my supplier. they are AUTHENTIC straight from japan so no worries about fake ebay stuff.

parts #9964-RF501 for M size and 9964-RF502 for L size

the price would be approx $150 in your hands picked up from me. if there are 5+ people price will be $140. so no hassle with shipping and customs also when i send payment it will be shipped 5 days ems.

here are pics of them

if your intrested you can pm or email me at


my shippment has been sent out today. i found out they are licesne for track use in japan.

i can start another group buy but i will need min 3 people to send out another shippment.

here are better pictures

god you’re a freak!!! like seriously… :S

lol,i just use mecanic gloves or baseball leather gloves. These look too JDM TYTE.

Very cool. I take that they aren’t made out of Nomex, are they?

Are the palms made out leather? It looks like it from the pics, but I can’t really tell.

jon… do they come in black/red or black/grey?

looks like suede to me.

i’ll know when i pick them up later today


these are hot… saw them yesterday in person…