Gearhead Auto Plaza vs Yetti

It’s the actual name of a business with a dealer’s license to sell cars approved by the town of colonie. Hence the completely different name. But thanks for playing.

Clowns :facepalm





No one was debating that, Ever think he doesnt have a auto plaza?

i’m glad i turn you on that much…

hold on, lemme find that pic of you with the flannel with the pack of marbs rolled up in the sleeve… you know, the one where your beautiful mullet locks are flapping out the window of bandit’s trans am…

No personal threats allowed.

Il throw money on that haha

wasnt a threat it was a good idea! those are the only kind i have! so since you edited my post ill give ya’ll the pg13 version…Yetti wouldent have the Balls to come to gearhead when im there and say that!!!,Who the fuck is Yetti anyway??? yetti are you the type of kid that post pics of body builders and say its you? i just get this TOOL vibe from ya!

nah bro. yetti is a good guy. you need to take a breather son. getting flamed up over him saying “dont you mean your driveway” :crazy

hahahahahaha this is awesome. i love getting feathers all ruffled up. and dustin you know me you dumbass and i would love to show up and say everything i say in the forums. but will i be able to find this said plaza? is there a sign?

dont plazas usually have signs?

hey im in your post changing your words

Thanks for playing, you lose.

ps- yes, i am an asshole i know, but don’t ask me to reteach a lesson, this ones free this time.

There are several signs. Open your fucking eyes, and shut the fuck up until you have something worth talking about. And no I don’t believe you would ever say anything to me, or anyone else for that matter, off of this forum. I don’t remember seeing your businesses? It’s OK if you don’t have one… it just excludes you from having a right to make a comment about the name.

Also, you’re really causing problems in the wrong area with the wrong people. This forum is not for fourth graders looking to get a rise out of someone. Though lately it seems more of a joke than anything else. Try supporting the local scene instead of causing problems.

Please Lock the thread. End of Discussion. Please visit for further details or in this particular case, some directions.

oo thank you for your wise words mr. wizard. i honestly dont know how this started but it is hilarious. and it just gets funnier especially when dustin chimes in all angry. which is hilarious because i’ve know him for probably 20 years since we grew up in the same town but he doesnt know me on this screen name so its just hilarious.

and i feel i must say it one more time becuase this thread is truly hilarious.

oo and i do support my local business i go through JVG Motorsports. we’re in progress of finishing up my car as we speak. thanks though and hopeufully we can meet up soon. i may be bouncing at jillians this weekend like i usually do if you’d like to come by and have a chat. that would be great.

Dewd, dont get Dustin angry, he’ll PUNCH YOUR FACE!!

i will get “flamed up” i put alot of time and hard work to get that place up and running so i get a little pissed when people down something i helped build, and supporting this crappy ass scene is something ive been doing for yrs man, so getting fired up is one of my things i guess,the scene is shit and Jay trys to get people in there and everyone would rather go to pep boys and put no fear and APC stickers on there cars

idk you man!!??!!, and if you ever drive down 155 towards central open your eyes its on the right kinda hard to miss the sign out front


I’m sorry. I didn’t know JVG had a store and sold cars as well. At least you’ve chosen a great career path. Oh and BTW you being tool and being a bouncer means nothing. I’m glad at least your e-muscles are in good shape because apparently it doesn’t take much to be a bouncer… Thank god brains aren’t involved.