gearhead you get a new truck

Damn at that last pic.

That is beautiful.

thats a bad ass jeep…the first pic looks like the tire beat up the front panel

wooh buddy! ya, i think he one-upped me on that one :tounge:

lol…that means u need to go bigger

I was going to get into a diesel isuzu trooper, but the guy is up in the air on selling it to me.

thats be cool

That is sick as hell

tahat thing is insane


peeped it out thursday…not a bad rig…but my bet is on gearhead blowing it up or tipping it over real soon.

The trooper did arrive, but blowing it up depends on my turbo choice… rolling it depends on my tire choice :smiley:

nice…any pics of new toy ?

go big or go home, right?

nice…is it lifted yet :rofl:

why is there 2 gearheads now?

that cant be

wtf… nutswinger?