Rudy or Hilary?


Yup, thats what i think. I’ve been around the planet, fighting one religion, just one. One religion had waged war against our, and many other countries. While I agree that 80 percent of the religion is fine. There are entire coultries full of asshat extremests. I’m not ready, and i think the majority of this country isn’t ready for a Muslim president. Hate away :meh:


No hate here. You’re not basing your dislike based on some biased news report or some BS stereotype, you’re basing it off your real world experience that you gained fighting these people. You’ve earned every right to your opinion, regardless of the fact that the average American Muslim is nothing like extremist in the middle east blowing themselves up. However, the religion is not as “peaceful” as the PC crowd is trying to convince the world. All you have to do is look at the massive violent protests over the Muhammed cartoons to realize this religion does not wire people’s brains for peaceful negotiations.


I don’t know what rudy really has to bring to the table. He is VERY anti-gun, abortion views are unknown (i’m very pro-choice, because i hate the government getting into my life, but repubs like the pr-life shit) and he only had one great moment, which i don’t think he did such a stunning job. He did a good job, but does one project prove he can run a country in international affairs, nope.


He’s anti-gun, but no more than Clinton. The gun lobby is strong, the president will never change that. Rudy is a hell of a lot more pro-choice than any other candiate you’re going to see come out of the Republican nominations. He hardly had, “one great moment”. Do yourself a favor and read up a little bit about the history of NYC before Rudy took office. Cliff notes… it was a crime ridden shit hole where no one felt safe. He was a strong leader who got stuff done long before 9/11. Can he lead a nation… I’d say running a city that practically is a nation all by itself is better training that most politicians have.


I really think, that the list of candidates is terrible, on both sides. but who in their right mind would take on the job of president, in this media driven bash fest. If you love your family, and your life, you will never run for Pres. So all we have left, is all the money/power craving assholes.


No way I’ want the job. I’ve always said, if you’ve got the connections and money it takes to become president, why on earth would you ever want to be president?

Finally, I don’t care what other religions did 500 years ago. Everyone’s history is dirty. The US got here by almost exterminating the Native Americans. Take a look at world maps of history, and see the ever changing borders. I can guarantee most of them didn’t change through peaceful talks. What we need to look at is what religion is synonymous with terrorism TODAY, even if it’s a relative minority of that religion. It shouldn’t really matter for Obama though, since he’s not a Muslim anyway.