Rudy Giuliani running for president, 2008

So much for the Republican’s not having a strong candidate.


and that is where my vote is going.

And you have your next president.

ha, you said republicans.
get ready for rove and co. to kill his campaign early in the primary stage. He’s more liberal than half of democrats.

And that’s why he’s going to win lol

hah can you imagine him and McCain running together, it’d be the most liberal election evAr

republican primaries are voted in most states by registered republicans only.

if he can win over big business, the jesus freaks, and rednecks, ill be impressed

haha no blacks or women this time around. I hope he stomps them out.

Rove is Bush’s pitbull, and Bush isn’t running.

As for being too liberal, he’s liberal in all the right places.

Gay Rights
Stem Cell Research

I think there are a lot of Republican’s like myself that will be more than happy to jump off the sinking ship of religious conservatism and into Rudy’s lifeboat. I mean hell, I’m an athiest republican, so there are a lot of things I don’t like about the current administration. The fact remains that issues like taxes and the economy are much more important to me than abortion and gay rights, hence my sticking with my party. Rudy though supports all the stuff I love about my party, while supporting the few things I like about the Democrats. And I think that will be the case for a lot of Americans.

Rudy has a good chance of carrying NYC in the electoral, and with it he’ll take the state. NY swings red 08. :slight_smile:

i hope that hilary is the democratic candidate so that she can get stomped by gulliani


Jay…you are just like me…moderate lol…

liberal on most social issue and conservative on fiscal issues…just face it!

now i can vote for someone …

I need to figure out this absentee ballot thing so I can vote for this man.


He’s going to pwn like there’s no tomorrow.

I might actually vote for once

That sounds about right actually. The only place so far I don’t agree with Rudy is gun control. The NRA is strong enough that I’m not too worried about it though. I’m going to pick up Rudy’s book and read a little more about him than just the blurbs you catch on the news.

not gonna get the nomination, but hopefully the candidate that does get the nomination will piss off so many moderate republican voters in the primary bashing rudy the dems will walk away with the general

why … i mean well i’m all for the right president of any color … but a woman? they have enough trouble driving. how can they control a country