Rudy Giuliani running for president, 2008

Dah, a carpet bagging woman, a black dude with a muslim name, or the white guy who cleaned up NYC? I wonder who’s gonna win?


giuliani sucks. roman catholics don’t make good presidents

I like him but the only problem is that I really dont’t think he would make a president. He has no time in the congress or senate. I mean being the mayor of NYS isnt a easy job but I wouldn’t compare it to being the president.

that’s a pretty funny thing to say considering it’s been a good 30 years since anyone from the senate has been elected president.

He still wont get the nomination. And he’d make a horrible VP candidate he’d take too much of the focus off the top of the ticket.

x2 accept I’m more democratic but Rudi would be the only republican I would vote for because he is not a stream line republican. Unfortunately though its going to be tough for him the win the primaries because of his views.

That sounds good, but I just can’t see him getting the nomination. If so, I am fine with him. He certainly cleaned up NYC.

I really don’t know about the nomination. There are a lot of people in my party that are very unimpressed by the Nancy Pelosi’s of the world, and may be willing to bend on social issues to make sure our fiscal ideals are kept in power. For example, I have a born again coworker who high fived me when I told him Rudy had filed his papers to run. And despite what the liberals like to yell, we’re not all bible beaters, and a lot of us registered republican but non-religious types may come out of the woodwork with Rudy up for the nomination.

It will be interesting to see how the polls start looking when he makes it 100% official.

Well I have really terrible news for him. Hillary said something very reasonable this weekend,

“Let me make this clear, if I would have been president in october 2002 I would not have taken the country to war.”

Yeahrmm. I found it on her website of all places. Hilarious since she voted for the war and as far as I know time travel is impossible.

when we first went to war, the majority of ppl were all about it. “yeah, lets kick those guys asses, fuck them for taking out the WTC” , everyone wanted revenge.

now its like, “fuck, what the fuck did we get ourselves into”

so of course at that time a majority of politicians said they were all for the war. now since bush is hated and this iraq thing is out of hand everyone says, wow, i never wanted this war, what was bush thinking. well, the fact is that in order to declare war, congress has to approve it. so there were abv. a lot of ppl that wanted the war. politics suck

The issue wasn’t that we went to war. The issue was that we went to war with the wrong people (sort of) and had no plan. How is Osama doing anyway?

yeah, but thats a discussion for another day.

back to the topic at hand, gulliani is awesome

How well does Guiliani understand the middle east?

I really want somebody that’s competent on all levels.

You want to live in a perfect world too?

I can live with that.

I wouldn’t bank on that.

:word: to jays

Accountable government takes responsibility for its people, provides sufficient healthcare, education and better levels of human rights. The next stage is a participatory element but that might take one or two generations.’

So is this part of the modern US role in the Middle East: the promotion of accountable government and democracy?

‘The US role in the region is precisely that. This is what America stands for. We will only act by military means if under grave threat or in self-defense, and hopefully that means very rarely.’

Oh dear lord.

Anyone else think it’s funny that has this story buried under politics? Hillary lets a fart go that remotely sounds like the word “presidency” and cnn does a breaking news alert. Rudy files papers to run and it’s a bi-line.

Yeah, they’re impartial.

I’d vote for Rudy depending on who the dems put out there. Most likely, Rudy has my vote.