Rudy Giuliani running for president, 2008

Who goes to CNN for practical news? I go to for updates on what Rosie said.

I go to because their layout is the best. Then I go to and read their version of the story, and assume that somewhere in between is the truth.

Yeah, I think I could even vote for this guy…

That’s because we were initially going after Bin Ladin, which everybody DID support. It’s once Bush started to go after Iraq that many people started to say :wtf:…

b/c he hasn’t made a formal announcement yet. He already formed an exploratory committee in November, this is just stepping it up to a more serious exploratory committee. When the company says “Rudy Giuliani for President” it’ll be a big deal

yea ok Bush and clinton where atleast govenors before they became presidents.

And you can’t use the word “were” correctly. You should not even be allowed to vote.

Yeah, and how many times was it headlines before Hillary made it official? Every day there was a new headline about her “thinking it over”, or “more seriously thinking”, or “considering running”.

define irony

Fuck Giuliani, hes no repub, hes got dem stamped all over him, just like the fuckass pataki that claimed he was repub. bull fucking shit.

We need a real republican to step up and powerhouse this election.

uh, we just need someone competent. competency for either party seems to be quite a stretch as is

and the next person to spell ‘Giuliani’ wrong is gonna get shanked by the reanimated corpse of scatman crothers

Go play with your air guns some more. Maybe wear a superman T for your next avatar pic.


I will vote for him if he gets the nomination


No, he’s a polititian with balls, he stands up for what he wants to, regardless of what others “think”

Almost makes you want you to not call him a polititian.
I like him…but its gonna be hard for him to get the nod as the republican nominee.


99% of the people in this thread have no information of Rudy PRE-9/11

I’d vote for Giuliani :tup: (as would alot of people I think)

either way, whoever wins, we need someone in office that isn’t going to polarize the left and right as much as it is now(and I don’t like Hillary can do that)… it’s that or another, possibly, 8 years of having to hear BS from the media every 10 seconds

You mean his 3 divorces, taking on organized crime, or ghestopo tactics he used to take NYC back from the criminals? Or one of my personal favorites, when he had Arafat ejected from a UN celebration after he showed up uninvited. :rofl:

I hope we have a better choice than Rudi or Billary.
Youtube allows more people to have national exposure, maybe someone that runs a youtube campaign will win.:biglaugh: