Rudy or Hilary?

Where do you come down, assuming they are the candidates?

Go Rudy Go!

Political debate… SIGH… no need, theres no way in hell Hilary will win. If by some act of god himself she wins, I will shave my head and let the highest bidder draw a penis on it. (And on that note I will not enter this thread again until after Election day)

Hillary. Bill was the best prez we had in a LONG time, i think she will follow suit.

Dont forget the Obama factor.

John McCain will destroy All

rudy will never get a republican nomination, the south will make sure of that. They can’t even elect someone with a brain in the general election, let alone the republican primary.

Hmm… the “two for one” wasn’t quite so hot the last time they were in the White House - Hillary got stomped on trying to fix healthcare, while Bill played with cigars. I’m not sure how it would be different this time around if she’s prez - and even if she can be taken seriously as prez if Bill’s in the background (especially in the Middle East).

i want both of them to get in to a car accident like the NJ govener. Rudy is a fuckin liberal, but a light liberal that makes him a conservative, but only in the ultra liberal NYS. If you vote for hilary, your a dumb shit. She is a raging bitch (yes i have met her personally, and have watched her shit on the soldiers of this country WHILE IN A WAR ZONE. If you vote for hilary, think of this. We had a Bush for 4 years, Clinton for 8, Bush for 8, and now you want another Clinton. So for a minimum of 24 years, we have had our countries leaders come from 2 houses. Yea, and you think they arn’t ultra rich, and our new “royals”. Let me tell you, THEY DON"T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU, keep that in mind. Your just labor, now get to work, and be quiet.

So in short, Rudy is a fuck, Hilary is a power craving whore. Thats all :slight_smile:

where is the i hope they both DIAF option

Obama, but I do not think he is ready to be the president that he could be, he would make and ideal VP to learn a little bit more.

where is the option for neither?

end up with bad results due to bad choices


picard for president

Seriously, how can you have a serious poll here if you dont include Picard as a viable option with Riker as his VP.

Edit: Seriously.

Go hilary!

Yes, but where should the carpetbagging/carpetmunching whore go?

The world is not ready for either a woman or a black Muslim US president. Hilary is pure evil but Obama is actually a decent guy. They are the only two dems that could insure a Republican victory after the retardedness of GW.

Rudy > Hillary.

Think our relations with the middle east are strained now? Imagine if angry muslim leaders have to deal with a female? :hang:

Well, much as I hate Billary, I regard it as a plus if she would irritate the Muslims.

See Sig

Back to Arkansas. When I first heard she was running for senator of NY my response was “The fuck? Why New York? She’s never even lived here. She probably thinks she’ll just use us as a stepping stone to the presidency.”

Sometimes I hate it when I’m right.

So yeah, I trust Guiliani more than I trust that carpetbagger. Ooh lets have socialist health care like Canada. Everyone having equally shitty healthcare is the only way to be fair, and life should be fair. :bloated: