Obama - Clinton Debate (jayS stay out - lol)


I’d fuck her just to say I did.

wait…Did you mean on the debate?

would you fuck obama to say you fucked him too…

For what ever reason I just feel like I trust obama more. I have this bizarre feeling hillary is just a lying bitch… oh wait she is woman… must be the case

edit: sorry completely uneducated post, my brain is mush, I’m getting their politics mixed up. :-/

Nahh, I am going to pass on the man sex.

Well aren’t you a little too conservative… its cause he’s black isn’t it … lol sorry

/exits thread until tomorrow

It was shitty how the dumbass broad running the thing cut Hillary off at the end of Obamas Health Care statement. It was cool how she indirectly said “Shut up bitch” and made her point after the break.

Health care issue seems rather complicated.

I’m just shocked Hilldog didn’t come out swinging more than she did. Texas is a statistical tie right now, Obama has the momentum, and she needed to make a big attack that would be replayed across the airwaves today to really have an impact. I really thought she was tougher than this.

I’m also surprised she didn’t seem to go balls out there… especially considering that Bill went on record a few days ago saying “if we don’t win Texas, we might as well withdraw…”


As far as the overall comparison… I think Obama is awefully remiscent of the power that JFK was always reported to have. People champion; grass roots; blah blah blah. That may well carry him a very long way.

Perhaps so, he does have a certain “aura” to him, something almost never seen in politics.

Hillary VP?
The two of them got all lovey last night so we will see what happens.

I know it’s daily kos… but interesting read none the less.


I missed this. I really wanted to see it. It’s obvious they’re not as far apart on policy as say McCain and Huckabee. I just think that they could have the same idea, preach the same thing, word for word, and people would be willing to evaluate it out of Obama’s mouth based on it’s merits, where coming from Hillary 48% of the country or so shoots it down instantly, merely out of hatred for her.

Obama actually has a more Liberal voting history.(Believe it or not)

You are a perfect fit with the Hussein Obama demographic then. All emotion, no thought. I hate Billary and I would prefer her 1,000X>Hussein. At least you know what you are getting with her. About all you can say about Obama is that he is for “change”, which is an idea the uninformed like on the basis that they don’t like Bush (and neither do I) and they think “it can’t get worse”. Trust me, and anyone who knows anything about recent history and politics - it CAN get worse and it WILL if Hussein is elected and we have Democrats in the majority in both Houses. He is relentlessly liberal and if I had to guess (because he never really has said anything concrete) the “change” will be back to a political philosphy that has been rejected just about everywhere in the free world including the US. It is characterized by socialism/government control of nearly everything/high taxes/stifiling regulation, etc. If the man actually stood up and stated what he wants for the country he wouldn’t have a hope in hell of getting elected.


You’re a fucking moron for bringing that bullshit Hussein emphasis talking point to a legitimate discussion.

How did someone as ignorant as yourself ever graduate from medical school?

Why, do you have a problem with his middle name?

Answer to your question: they valued my insight and willingness to call a xxxxx a xxxxx (I can’t bring myself to type it, though I swear it would have been an innocent use of the expression).

Barack Hussein Obama
Hillary Rodham Clinton
John Sidney McCain

See. I don’t discriminate - I hate them all (nearly) equally, just Hussein a bit more. I bet you like him, which makes you a tool!


ps:" when is any discussion here serious?

:tup: Clinton…and i’m not just saying that because I’m a girl.

I don’t think Obama has much experience and he is easily swayed by others which to me means he might not take a stand like he says he will. His speeches are a little too “emotional” and i really hope people don’t fall for it…he is just meh in my opinion.

Clinton FTW

this is obamas race to lose, he has all the momentum hes got this shit locked