Obama - Clinton Debate (jayS stay out - lol)

In regards to the Obama not having enough experience crowd…

Maybe he should take a page out of the Chris Collins book. Talk about running against “Career Politician” John McCain, running the country like a business, and all the other crap that people fell for, hook, line, and sinker.

Umm… the last time I checked, it was Hillary and not Obama that just about cried during a speech. How is Obama more “emotional”?

Hillary herself has admitted that her voting in the Senate in regards to the war in Iraq was based primarily on what she was told by others. And that would be called being swayed by others…

So basically, you just summed up Hillary and put Obama’s name in there instead…

Don’t act like you’re not projecting a cultural bias or prejudice b/c Barack has a middle eastern middle name. You are. It’s pathetic of you to do so and it’s truely sad.

Obama has much more experience than Clinton. Being 1st Lady doesn’t count as experience, sorry to inform you.

Ohhh!!! Thank you! I will write that down. :picard: As I stated my small opinion - i don’t care too much for politics anyways…i’ll leave you tough men to battle it out on NYSpeed now. lol

If you think it is “bias” to think about who this man really is, then I am also sorry for you! Someday we can have a beer (I’ll buy) and we can cry into them. So much sorrow and emotion! Actually, I really don’t know hardly anything about the guy, and that makes me nervous (serious, other comments were at least 50% foolin’ around, including the Hussien thing).


Thats why I will not vote, unless I have the time to actually go through and decide who would be the better candidate.

When you look at the history of the bills they introduced, sponsored and got passed, Obama has a proven history of not being afraid to go after things that will piss off lobbyists, he has a proven history of getting shit passed, and a proven history of being able to work together with the republicans to get things done. The guy can motivate the american people - that alone deserves some credit.

Hillary voted for the war on iraq, which she regrets and was ultimately (in the minds of most americans) a big mistake. Obama stuck to his guns and was against it. Who is more qualified?

More experience does not always mean someone is more qualified.

here’s a little joke to lighten the mood because you all need to relax.

The white house has a position open for a hunter…
because a coon and beaver are trying to get in.

What do you mean who he really is? Maybe you should check out snopes.com before you make any statements.

You understand the POTUS acts almost entirely on information fed the him by his advisors… right?

That’s not entirely true, Bush might do that blindly though. Historically successful POTUS’ would put differing opinions around them, look at the facts carefully, hear both sides and then make a decision.

Very good point. Thanks.

That’s true, unless it’s lobbyists/advocates for trial lawyers, labor unions, people on welfare, etc.

since Ron Paul doesnt have a chance , I am leaning towards Obama

My sentiments exactly. I thing personal CHARACTER counts for a great deal. From my limited knowledge I think both candidates “experience” is similar. I dont think one has a significant edge on the other in that respect.

Obama is less “Political” and that to me, carries more weight then anything. “Politics” is the ultimate failure in this country. Politicians vote based on “favors”; whatever vote will extend their term and career; and donation providing special interest groups.

NONE of these influences create decisions and policy that is best for this Country.

Genuinely wanting change and having the EMOTION, HEART, and selfless CHARACTER to pursue it is how this country began and real changes come about.

I am saying (seriously) that there is plenty of evidence he is VERY VERY far left and he is trying to hide it by dealing in vague generalities with his constant harping on hope, unity, etc. with no real specifics or anything being said about his record (other than that he voted against the Iraq war, which is fine from the point of view of a Monday morning quarterback but any reasonable person should have voted FOR it with what was “known” then). I think he is actually Dennis Kucinich* in living color. I have no issues with him being dark skinned, none at all. As far as his purported “Muslim background” I think if it were true we would have heard more about it, though Hillary has been holding her fire and McCain hasn’t gotten started yet. Still, I’d be surprised if there is much truth to it. I do have issues with his policies which may well put him somewhat to the the left of Hugo Chavez if he is elected.

Uniting people sounds nice until you start to think about it. It would be nice if it were around an important national goal, like defeating radical Islam, or at least neutralizing it. If he thinks he has the capability of getting those of us with a brain and respect for freedom and liberty on board his socialist agenda, it is a ridiculous piece of sloganeering because it isn’t going to happen. I don’t want any more of my freedom taken away or my taxes to be any higher - which is what would happen with an Obama presidency. The only thing good about it will be the backlash. Remember the “contract with America”. It will be that squared.

*But I respect Kucinich because he stands up and states clearly what he thinks, unlike Obama.

^^ Very well said. I will leave it at that.

Ron Paul and Obama couldn’t be farther apart in terms of their views of America…do you just pick whoever is more popular on the internet?

To the left of Hugo Chavez? Oh come on now.

And no, a reasonable person wouldn’t have voted for the war. Why you ask? Because the weapons inspectors were on the ground finishing their job…Bush MADE THEM LEAVE BEFORE THE JOB WAS DONE.

If you took the time to READ any of his policy papers you would see all the specifics you need. Let’s ignore the fact that Bush didn’t run on any details, and you probably were ok with that.

Socialist agenda? Such as? You do know that he hasn’t proposed single payer health care (aka socialist health care).