Obama - Clinton Debate (jayS stay out - lol)

He (Obama) has a 100% liberal voting record.

What does that mean in this day and age? Political boundaries have become gray and its a good thing. Politicians should have the flexibility and foresight to vote whichever way they feel will benefit the country and not be restricted to archaic and idiotic labels like liberal and conservative.

Uniting people sounds nice until you start to think about it. It would be nice if it were around an important national goal, like defeating radical Islam, or at least neutralizing it.
Bush did that… and look where it has gotten us. The only important “Goal” anyone should have is to IMPROVE this COUNTRY. Fuck Islam. Get the fuck out of THEIR country and let those fucks bathe in their own shit. Stop funding Israels military which is used DIRECTLY against the Arabs. No wonder they are all fucking pissed.

I don’t want any more of my freedom taken away or my taxes to be any higher - which is what would happen with an Obama presidency.

These kinds of attitudes are simplistic and selfish in my opinion. You should be more concerned about the country instead of saving $1000 at the end of the year.

The more some politician talks about freedom and safety the more they are taken away

If a president goes after the fucked up political machine we call a government and tries to make some changes to eliminate Pork Barrel spending as well as other waste then there is NO NEED to increase taxes.
In fact there should be a surplus where they can be lowered. The system is flawed and thats what needs to be changed.

rskrause- You’re pretty dumb, and clearly a racist. Are you trying to be funny or is this really what you think?

Like when he’s worked with Republican senators to get legislation passed?

I am rooting for Hillary this way the rupublicans will keep the white house. I am not a G W fan but I kind of like the way the two parties are forced to work together now.

i just dont want a women in office i think that she would ruin our country

i’m an obama supporter, but seriously, :picard:

Insults are not a very impressive way to win an argument, dickwad.

he could have a valid point though; why refer to a candidate by his ethnic middle name repeatedly unless you’re implying it contributes to him being inferior?

I agree.
I also don’t think Clinton has any more experience than Obama does.

If “racist” is the only thing you can say then you don’t have any argument.
Yelling “racist” is what unintelligent people do when they don’t have the mental competence to have a discussion or win a argument.

Thats a pretty ignorant statement considering a woman is RUNNING FOR AND HAS A EXCELLENT CHANCE of being President of the ENTIRE country. For the first time in history has a woman gotten close to that position so credit where credit is due. Woman or not she deserves a good deal of respect for accomplishing as much as she has.

I was just watching a bit of meet the press and they seemed to have an agenda of making Hillary out to be a huge hypocrite that flip flops like a fish out of water. They did a pretty good job of it…

Hillary has one person to thank for her political career and the fact that this race is as close as it is, Monica Lewinski. When Bill was in office Hillary was hated and her approval numbers were on pace with Bush’s numbers as they are now. Once the story about Bill and Monica came out her approval rating went through to roof. She went from being a bitch who did nothing to a strong independent woman who was looked at as a saint for staying by her husband.

If Bill didn’t get his dick wet then Hillary would still be hated like she was before.

I am far to tired to create a well thought out argument right now.

Bearing that in mind.

Hillary appears to be flip flopping around a bit, on various issues(no i dont have specifics).

Also, Both Obama and Hilldog lack experience in world politics, and understanding how to get this country out of the clusterfuck we are in now.

Generally speaking liberals raise taxes and spend more money, I like my money and I like to keep it. (again I said Generally).

And one of the most important things I see becoming important in the upcoming and present future is the situation in the greater Serbian area with kosovo and that mess, iraq and israel.

If that mess continues to build steam and look more and more like a powderkeg as election time comes around, I am inclined to think that people would sway towards a candidate with more military and world politic experience(McCain).

Well thats how I see things going, Ill put on my flame suit and get ready, and try to wake up for a rebuttle.

A calmer response to the insulting post that I responded to in kind: it’s one thing to call an argument dumb, when you call the arguer dumb all it leads to is a personality clash.

That said, I have a point to make. I think it is completely legitimate to look at a candidates background - racial, cultural, religious, gender, etc. in trying to figure out who they are and if you want them to lead the country. If you think a person who does this is a racist, than your vocabulary differs from mine - I would call them well informed. For example, look at Joe Liberman, a politician I very much like. He is Jewish. As such, I think if he were running it would be very legitimate to wonder what effect this might have on his appproach to the Middle East. If you are trying to figure out who Obama is, looking into his background is completely logical. There is a very interesting, though pretty fluffy, article on that in the current Time magazine. I would have liked a lot more detail, but at least it is something. It actually made me feel a little less negative toward the guy, but it is so lacking in detail that the effect was small. Still, it had the effect I am sure the notoriously left leaning Time wanted and made Obama look good - rags to riches and all that. To me, he is still largely a cipher, and an apparently very liberal one at that.

ps: wrt the previous post. I agree that “liberal” in American policis means, among many other things that “as a liberal I care SO MUCH about xyz that I want to take YOUR MONEY and give it to someone else, so vote for me because I CARE (enough to take what you earned to give to someone who I happen to think is more deserving).”


Interesting insight. I didn’t see it that way before.

didnt you drop out after one semester?


Not bad. Little too far into the conspiracy theory stuff for me, but did raise some good points:
His 100+ votes of “present” in his short political career, so he wouldn’t have to choose a side. Not a fan of Edwards but watching him beat the hell out of Obama over that was fun.
His 20 year relationship with Wright and his racist church.
His calls for Imus to be fired while not condemning Wright.
Throwing white granny under the bus and calling her a racist, again while not condemning Wright.
His face to face with terrorist dictators policy.

Borderline crap from the video:
Not wearing the flag pin bugs me, but not to the level the media is running with it. To put it another way if McCain didn’t wear the pin I wouldn’t say, “Well I’m not voting for him”.
His wife’s “first time proud” comment. Maybe she misspoke, maybe she didn’t. Hard to know for sure so I’ll toss it in the borderline bin.
The “just words” speech was arrogant but I can see why he went there after Hillary kept attacking him as just a bunch of good speeches.

Definite crap from the video:
I don’t care what his name is.
The Guevara poster was at a volunteer’s office, not his office.
I don’t care that he went to some Muslim grade school.
The “vibe” the video gave off with the whole Write/Guevera/terrorists thing that Obama is some undercover terrorist plant.