McCain Fans: IN


Seriously, is it fair to admit that he is nuts? Sarah who?

The Mexican that cleans the shitter at my apartment is available for a cabinet position if it’s available?

McCain is too old and too wacky for me

im voting republican.

From the get-go, I haven’t found a single person that I would like in office. I don’t even want to vote.

This latest from McCain is just down-right scary.

After the last 8 years of fail, I can see your point…

I agree, I don’t like either candidate who has a good chance of winning. But, I have to vote, just to be different than the majority of my age group. :lol

Going Dem?

Unfortunately, I see it as my only option.

if obama gets elected… i foresee several assassination attempts in his future… mccain is the only real choice…biden is a joke on obamas ticket too.

just what we need another republican in office …ill just not vote no one good anyway were all fucked

you guys better hope the obama lama does not get elected, shit will totally change for the worse if he does

and any other will fix it

I don’t like either. HOWEVER I will never vote for Obama sooooo that leaves me with McCain.

yea deff not voting for obama so ya…

i wish there was a box for “none of the above” :wtf

We need a little color in the white house :nod

its called voting 3rd party. they will never win but its fun to vote for them anyways.

anyone else see the list of books palin tried to ban, holy wtf crazy bitch, even if i would fuck her and her prego daughter i would never want her to hold any political position.

I refuse to vote for obama, i dont want to vote for either but ill vote rep again to keep Obama out of there

Chu mean Sarah who? Palin has more executive experience than McCain and Obama put together. She is also opposite McCain on several issues as well as the obvious ones (old man, young female, etc). Every Pres and VP combo EVER has been picked this way to get more of the vote.

I’ll deal with you when I’m back at work Monday!! :lol

Not yet a McCain supporter, definitely not an Obama fan.

Bring it on mang. Bring it on.

I mean, Sarah is the perfect choice. McCain has the health of an AIDS victim and next inline is soccer mom with a knocked up daughter. Oh, she also ran a place with the population of scotia. NICE!