I’m holding out for a month longer until Bimmerworld gets some new JRZ coils that’ll hopefully be a bit better than their current offerings (which are still great). Since I plan on doing some BMWCCA club racing next year, I don’t wanna do things twice, so getting a set of springs made for stock dampers and then having to get new springs for the JRZs would just be throwing away money for me.
I love the Glen, it’s my favorite track I’ve been on so far. My times aren’t bad at all (I think, at least) but I can definitely see where I can do better w/ my TraqMate. My strongest points on that track are from the beginning of the esses all the way until the boot starts, which is fine for me since it’s the fastest part of the track, and it’s where I see myself catching up to a lot of cars that should be much faster. Everywhere else I can still get a lot better at. I’m going to the Glen 2-3 more times this year, mostly with BMWCCA as SCDA isn’t going back. I may do one with another group, but that’s not 100% yet.
Also, there’s a BMWCCA club race school going on there in September you should look into. I heard they are excellent and a lot of fun, and you can gain a bit of knowledge there. I am hopefully going to make it to the one in Sept, but I’ll have to see what my schedule’s going to be like w/ my classes and what not.
I want to do a CSL trunk lid so effing bad, but the class I plan on doing does not allow it as it wasn’t offered on a stock car here in the US.