Why do you like Obama?

I am not voting for anyone.

However, my interest is peaked about the feverish support for Obama by his supporters. To me it almost seems like a fanatical support.

So out of my curiosity I ask; Why do you like Obama? What is it that he does that makes you want to support him. What makes you feel good about your choice? And what makes you soo determined to defend it?

Please keep the thread clear of political BS I am just curious what Obama supporters think is all.

Detailed explanations please, thank you. :slight_smile:


but no koolaid for me, thanks

This is going to be hilarious.

Because It pisses of Blue Eyed Devil.

I love his tax plan
I support his foreign policy plan
I like that his campaign is not funded by radical evangelical Christians
I’m so-so on his health plan, but I hate McCains
I feel he’s more in touch with the younger generation and our needs and perspective
I feel he will get more done while in office.
he can use a computer

that’s what I’ve got off the top of my head.

I wasn’t even anti-McCain until he picked Palin – this showed me he’s another bush… just doing what it needs to get elected so we can have more of the same.

i think he presents himself well and speaks well… but that’s not enough to sway my vote. I don’t feel he has MY best interests in hand though.

FYI. I am NOT voting Obama Mama

Because i secretly hope he has a donk on sixes or a scraper on dubs…

McCain is Bush’s mini-me. Voting for Obama.

the presidential limo needs a photoshop

thank you, you just won me some money :tup:



I pretty much was gonna post the same thing but I figured I would just quote you and claim it as my post too.

I don’t particularly like Obama, I wish he had more experience, but like it or not we have a 2 coalition political system and anyone who wants to chant that you shouldn’t vote based on party can eat my reality.

Republican driven banking deregulation almost tore down our economy. Maybe it has. We’ll see. I want to balance it out with some democratic party regulation, even if it leans to far the other way.

I’m fine with my tax dollars going towards helping those with absolutely no coverage get some basic medical care. If we’ve worked so long and hard to become the most successful and powerful empire the planet has EVER seen, yet we have citizens that can’t get the health care that we can provide, then what’s the point of it all?

Our foreign policies blow. I’d like to give diplomacy a try. I’d like to let the world see that we’re not content to function like an inept imperialist state. If you remember, we went into Iraq to enforce a UN resolution from the first Gulf War, but we just had to start shooting something so we didn’t wait for UN support and went charging in on our own and found ourselves alone without an exit strategy.

I don’t like that so much of McCain’s career has been driven by a chip on his shoulder and a problem with authority, proud of how often he tells his own party to fuck off and whatnot. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but a leader with something to prove is not what our country needs right now. I was glad that we had a hard hitting Texan in office when 9/11 hit, but we lost our focus. See above.

Palin. Everything else aside, this is reason enough for me to vote Democrat. Things happen. Vice Presidents assume the presidency. It’s happened before. It will happen again. McCain’s 72 and has had Melanoma. The idea of that airhead running our country terrifies me.

So there’s a little taste of why I want a democrat in office, Obama or not. I don’t want democrats forever, mind you. Nothing’s black and white, nothing is the right solution forever. One of the things that makes this country great is that we are constantly changing and balancing. I want to balance the last 8 years of republican control with 4 years of a dem in office. In 4 years I will reevaluate and decide what I want at that point.


I love that Obama wants to let us take up to $10,000 out of our retirement plans penalty free. Because when you put all the finger pointing aside this financial collapse boils down to the fact that no one knows how to save money and wants everything on credit with no money down, houses especially. What better way to help the economy than to remove the regulation that keeps us from stealing money from the one place tax incentives have actually encouraged us to save.

fanatic is how you could describe me if hillary ran

obama is meh, but his policies are far better than mccain and as a member of the highly fucked over middle class i think he has my intrests in line more than any republican canidate

i’m gonna go ahead and agree with those

also hate how mccain is all “we have to win this war” attitude, and he just comes off to me as an “i’m better than you” type of person.
and the thought of palin possibly being our president? fuck no


You act like Obama isn’t an elitist prick.

i’m sorry, i didn’t realize i had to get my OPINION approved by you before i posted it :bloated: