Post by a Lifelong Republican who voted for Obama

43 yr old in Marathon, FL. Interesting insight into someone who thought outside of the party lines.


Dr. Ron Paul 2008.


i wish my vote for ron paul would do something… but i know next tuesday im going Obama

wait, Ron Paul is voting democratic? maybe his vote will count.

So are you writing him in, or are you climibing aboard the Dem ticket as the “next best thing” as many people seem to be doing?

They say Ron Paul is the new H. Ross Perot.
Maybe this time the party will listen to our message.

The thing is, the write-in vote won’t even count in NY but I don’t care.
The message is clear.

So you’re abstaining from the POTUS 2008 elections altogether then… fair enough?

That was a good read and I agree with allot of what he had to say. This will be my first time as well voting for a Democrat.

My thoughts in red.

I voted for Ronald Reagan 2 times and was a registered Republican. Now I am voting strait down the Democratic ticket. Here is why.

:highfive: I’m not registered either way. Some day I may vote republican.

Gun control, abortion, school prayer, flag burning, gay marriage, faith and values… do not affect my vote anywhere near as much as my financial situation and our collective national financial situation does.

I think it was zwarbyt who said it best “The day they make flag burning illegal, I’ll burn two.” Otherwise, there’s a nice opposition among the people that will keep those from changing much.

The Republicans market themselves as small government, fiscally responsible and cater to business financially with the thought that doing that will ultimately give everyone the potential to have better opportunities and be able to move up. The reality has been far from that.

I agree with their fundamental ideas, but their execution has been flawed at best and hypocritical at worst.

When Clinton left office, the budget was balanced and had his plan been followed, there would be no national debt right now. Since Bush took over, the national debt is over 10 trillion. If every penny the government collected for the next 4 years just went to that debt, it still would not be paid off. That is hardly being fiscally responsible. George W. Bush signed the first 2 trillion budget and just recently signed the first 3 trillion budget. That is hardly my idea of small government.

Eh, can’t totally blame the republicans. Things in the world have changed since Clinton left. But at this point I want a pres who will use diplomacy first and force last.

Deregulation, deficit spending and tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves, create jobs and stimulate the economy. Yet look at where we are at right now! How anyone with even a modicum of self integrity can look at where we are at right now and still think the Republican philosophy is helpful to the vast majority of the working people in this country is quite beyond me. History speaks for itself. The Democrats spent money like drunken sailors. But the Republicans made them look like rank, grade school amateurs in comparison.


This party of values impeached a popular, sitting president for lying under oath about a blow job. Yet did absolutely nothing when it appears George W. Bush lied and started a war. Republicans talk a good talk but if you go just by their actions, they could utterly care less about the average person.

:tdown: They went after Clinton for lying under oath. Good for them. Bush didn’t lie about the war, but we exercised bad judgement going in alone just because we were scared after 9/11.

I see things being dredged up about Obama. He will take away your guns. No he will not. No one is going to take anyone’s legal firearms away. But hey, keep paying your money to the NRA so the can tell you exactly how afraid you should be about this nonsense of an issue. The fear mongering works for them VERY well. One membership renewal check at a time.

I ain’t skurred.

Obama is a socialists. No, actually he is an American. Are you, the working people really that frightened about having health care when you are laid off, between jobs or just want to retire early? Are you that afraid that your children will have health care when they are in college or trying to find their way in life? Going by the current sentiment, the vocal Republicans are far more content to just sit back and have them pay off the debt that we, collectively racked up.

Obama has socialist ideals. Good. This country has always been semi-socialist, it’s just not good manners to say so. I just hope we can accomplish some of those things without just creating one more massively abused handout system though. That does scare me.

Deregulation worked just fine. Unless you happened to be a shareholder in an airline or had money in an S&L in the 80’s. Unless you happened to purchase electricity in California earlier this decade. Or unless you happen to have any money in a bank or happen to still have a job right now.

This whole “Thank you may I have another!” deregulation self flagellation has to stop. This is a big reason why I want a Democrat controlled government right now. For the love of God reinstate Glass Steagal.

I encourage anyone who reads this to sit back and vote Republican. Because you can be rest assured, getting an abortion will not be any easier, (whether you want one or not), The vast majority of children will not get a proper education on sex ed, they will get it off the streets from the just as ignorant friends like we did. It might, someday be illegal to burn an American flag. (How many times has anyone seen that happen in person?) Your likely to be divorced anyway neighbors will definitely be man and woman. That way we can at least keep the sacred and holy tradition of divorce just the way it is. Between a man and a woman.

He barely mentioned the other big reason I am voting Obama: Education. Check Obama’s history. Amongst his admittedly short public experience, education has been on the forefront. IMO education is one of the most important long term investments a community/country can make. Especially with China and India producing better engineering students than us hand over fist and taking all of our manufacturing.

If you want to sit back and continue to be little more than a defacto slave to our Wall Street overlords, by all means vote McCain. I voted for Obama today. Things might not change, they might not get any better. But I am convinced, heart, mind, body and soul that I, a middle class, working, tax paying, law abiding citizen will DEFINITELY not see my situation get any better under McCain.


My 2 cents


pitch forks and torches will solve the country’s problems.

I am excited for Tuesday the 4th that is for sure

I have mine all ready to go!

Fry mentioned the Glass-Steagall act. I’m so proud. :rx3: This MBA thing is turning him into an economist :tup:

Ron Paul November 8 1999…

Nice read

Hey! Don’t show how Ron Paul tends to be right unusually more than any other politician is! How else are people going to keep going on thinking he is a crazy old racist texan wearing tinfoil on his head?

I guarantee that there are a lot more Republicans like this man voting Democrat than there are Democrats voting Republican.

I love how he bases most of it off the flawed ideal that if we just would have stayed on the Clinton track everything would be great.

Lets see, while Clinton was leaving office the .com bubble was just starting to pop, and 9/11 came around and really kicked the recession into high gear. Nevermind that Bush hadn’t been in office long enough to have anything to do with the market crashing or 9/11, they were both his fault.

Ok, so we recover from that and the market goes on a 3 year bull run, setting new all times highs for the dow. The market is looking great until, uh oh, the housing bubble crashed. Yep, we didn’t regulate it enough, but for the last few years who was it that stood in the way of new regulations again? Oh yeah, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, both saying the house market was strong and that we should continue putting more low income high risk people into homes. Plenty of blame to go around on both sides on the housing bust I’m afraid.

But really, what does it matter. Obama wins, chances are we’ll have an Obama, Pelosi, Reid filibuster proof majority for the next 4 years. If that prospect doesn’t concern you I can’t wait to see how you feel in 4 years.

Very good read, its good to see both sides