Hillary is running for president

She just made an official announcement today.




So is Obama… filed for exploration a fwe days ago.

it’s going to a brawl in the Dem Primaries.

Depending on who the Republicans can put out there… this may be an easy win for them - or - devastating loss. Either way, I don’t think it’ll be nearly as close as the last two Presidential Elections.

I’ll put it this way, there is absolutley no way she will win. Simple as that.

Hey look, another person I’d never vote for…

Fixed it for ya Mike

And looks like republicans are taking the white house again… You know who has even a less chance of securing the mid west and southern state votes than an aggressive white women? A black muslim man! The guy could be the best president on earth make 100% of the people happy and restore peace throughout the world and would never get cletus in south carolina to vote for him.

So they are going to put up Hillary or a senator with a whole 2 years of experience.

Looks like we keep the white house. :tup:

Big thumbs up

I think it’s a good thing.

I’ll vote for her and I’m sure many others will too.

Judging by your location, I’m not surprised.

:word: even though I like Obama

if she becomes pres we will be the target of the world…

Hopefully she will do the right thing and drop out from the senate while she runs. This way when she loses, we will be done with that useless, carpet bagging bitch.

I can’t think of a better way to piss of the Muslim nations. The Jewish love Hil’ and Hil’ loves the Jewish. And she lacks a penis.

But can she get a new wardrobe? How about she appoints some “gay advisors”. You know, people that will back her because she’s the closest thing to a lesbian that they can find. They can remake her image starting with her horrid clothing. And maybe, just maybe, she can work out everyday like Condi. No use in being the ice queen if one can’t kick some ass…

Case in point, look at the following links. She has worn the same wool coat thingie for two weeks now. I’m really sick of seeing it.

4 January 2007:

17 January 2007:

20 January 2007:

she couldn’t possibly be any worse than who we have now.

i can’t believe i’m the first person to say that.

OMG lol

doesnt matter… this country will NOT vote a woman into the presidency. Not any time soon.

It’ll be just as hard to get a black man into the office… particularly a muslim black man during this era.

Dude…he isn’t Muslim.

Edit: He won’t win, but he isn’t muslim.

I wonder if Monica will pay her a visit? Can anyone say sex tape? :rofl:

I just love how she’s on a roll with issues that I care about, and then she throws out, “And lets DEFINITELY talk about HillaryCare!”

Thank GOD. Papa Bush didn’t get Saddam. Daddy Clinton didn’t pass HillaryCare… it takes two sometimes, darling.