Hillary & Count down to Socialistic Government.

[COLOR=navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]…email I received[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]How long do we have if Hillary is elected???[/COLOR][/FONT]


This is kind of an eye-opener as far as Democracy is concerned …

[B]If Hillary Clinton gets elected we’ll have Socialitic Govt here within 2 years! By her own speeches she wants to ‘re-distribute’ wealth to take care of all the ‘poor’ people, free health care, free everything until the folks who own businesses won’t be able to maintain them and they’ll be poor folk too.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial]This is the most interesting thing I ‘ve read in a long time. The sad thing about it, you can see it coming.[/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6][FONT=Arial]I have always heard about this democracy countdown. It is interesting to see it in print. God help us, not that we deserve it.[/FONT][FONT=Arial]How Long Do We Have?[/FONT][FONT=Arial]About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constit ution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:
[/FONT][FONT=Arial]‘A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.’[/FONT][FONT=Arial]‘A democracy will continue to exist up until the t ime that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public trea sury.’[/FONT][FONT=Arial]‘From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.’[/FONT][FONT=Arial]‘The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years’[/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6][FONT=Arial]'During those 200 years, those [/FONT][FONT=Arial]nations always progressed through the following sequence:[/FONT][FONT=Arial]1. From bondage to spiritual faith;[/FONT][FONT=Arial]2. From spiritual fait h to g reat courage;[/FONT][FONT=Arial]3. From courage to liberty;[/FONT][FONT=Arial]4. From liberty to abundance;[/FONT][FONT=Arial]5. From abundance to complacency;[/FONT]
[/SIZE][FONT=Arial]6. From complacency to apathy;[/FONT][FONT=Arial]7. From apathy to dependence;
[/FONT][FONT=Arial]8. From dependence back into bondage’[/FONT]
[COLOR=green][FONT=Arial]Professor Joseph Ols on of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election: [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Arial]Number of States won by:
[COLOR=blue]Gore: 19 [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Bush: 29[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]Square miles of land won by:

[COLOR=blue]Gore: 580,000 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][COLOR=red]Bush: 2,427,000[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][SIZE=6][FONT=Arial]Population of counties won by:
[COLOR=blue]Gore: 127 million [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Bush: 143 million[/COLOR][/FONT]Murde r rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Gore: 13.2
[COLOR=red]Bush: 2.1 [/COLOR]
[/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=6][COLOR=green][FONT=Arial]Professor Olson adds: 'In aggregate, the map of the territory [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=red][FONT=Arial]Bush[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=green][FONT=Arial]won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=blue]Gore’s[/COLOR] territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…’ Olson believes the Un ited S tate s is now somewhere between the ‘complacency and apathy’ phase of [FONT=Arial]Professor Tyler’s [/FONT][COLOR=green][FONT=Arial]definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached the ‘governmental dependency’ phase. [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Arial][B]If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years

If you are in favor of this then delete this message if you are not t hen Pa ss this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom. [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]Thanks for reading.


A less annoying font version.

How long do we have if Hillary is elected???

This is kind of an eye-opener as far as Democracy is concerned …

If Hillary Clinton gets elected we’ll have Socialistic Government here within 2 years! By her own speeches she wants to ‘re-distribute’ wealth to take care of all the ‘poor’ people, free health care, free everything until the folks who own businesses won’t be able to maintain them and they’ll be poor folk too.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:
'A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. ''A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. ''From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage;
    Professor Joseph Ols on of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:

Number of States won by:
Gore: 19 Bush: 29

Square miles of land won by:
Gore: 580,000
Bush: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by:
Gore: 127 million Bush: 143 million

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Gore: 13.2
Bush: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: ‘In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. Gore’s territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…’ Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the ‘complacency and apathy’ phase of Professor Tyler’s definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached the ‘governmental dependency’ phase. If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years

If you are in favor of this then delete this message if you are not then Pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom. Thanks for reading.

Thanks for the font change.
I stupid on computer.


If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.


Now you see that’s not logical to me. Lets pretend that there is some magic way to turn all the illegal aliens into citizens. Wouldn’t that mean that there are 20 million more people working and paying taxes and not in the apathy/dependence stage?

I guess that’s based on the assumption that illegal aliens are here working, not here to collect welfare.


Now you see that’s not logical to me. Lets pretend that there is some magic way to turn all the illegal aliens into citizens. Wouldn’t that mean that there are 20 million more people working and paying taxes and not in the apathy/dependence stage?

I guess that’s based on the assumption that illegal aliens are here working, not here to collect welfare.


You’re adding 20 million people to the bottom rung of society. That class section has the highest percentage of social program use, and therefor are most likely to vote for candiates promising more money for those programs, just as Tyler theorized.

People that make minimum wage don’t pay substantial taxes.
Mexicans don’t put money back into our economy, they send it back home to their families in Mexico.


People that make minimum wage don’t pay substantial taxes.
Mexicans don’t put money back into our economy, they send it back home to their families in Mexico.


Call me a sucker i consider myself to be a people person, can you blame them really? Mexico’s economy blows. America the melting pot… If you take a second and look at all the successful beautiful European country’s and cities France, Belgium, London, Italy they fucking rule and i guess you can consider them socialists. I am for Hilliary’s ideas i think its great, some change, plus bill is the fucking man. Our government is fucking corrupt. Do you ever watch cspan all the reps from like Texas are money hungry crotchety old men, who could give a fuck less about future and technology and cause and effect of their decisions. They are all about money and money now, Open your mind open your eyes look at around times are changing America is light years behind in technology compared to China. And what the fuck is up with Iran. Don’t worry about America becoming communist the American people would never allow it. Plus world war 3 will probably be here before you know it. Go to school get a good job become self sufficient America is great for that you really can do anything if you put forth effort.
I just put 10lbs. of shit in a 5lbs. bag :blah: END RANT!!
edit: puls no matter who you vote for they cant suck as bad a bush awww shit i said it

i’m not even going to begin. I don’t have 3 hours to tear that entire message apart.
To summarize:

Population of counties won by:
Gore: 127 million Bush: 143 million

Did someone fact check this? I find that hard to believe that Bush could have received less votes, yet higher population density counties

Summerize what…its pretty fucking true. Look at the way the country was 50 years ago and look at it now. Look at how many social welfare programs there are and how many people are on them as opposed to getting them a job so they can put back into the pot. Liberals such as Hitlary are socialist pigs. She is power hungry. Always has been.


Population of counties won by:
Gore: 127 million Bush: 143 million

Did someone fact check this? I find that hard to believe that Bush could have received less votes, yet higher population density counties


Where does it say Bush recieved less votes?





You’re adding 20 million people to the bottom rung of society. That class section has the highest percentage of social program use, and therefor are most likely to vote for candiates promising more money for those programs, just as Tyler theorized.


The problem lies in where the money for the programs come from. Unfortunately the law makers and bureaucrats are in the upper rung, and don’t want to be taxed, so the middle class gets pushed closer to the lower class, creating the problem. I think 5 years is pretty fast, but history does tend to repeat itself…


You’re adding 20 million people to the bottom rung of society. That class section has the highest percentage of social program use, and therefor are most likely to vote for candiates promising more money for those programs, just as Tyler theorized.


bringing in millions of poor hardworking people seemed to work well for us once before…


bringing in millions of poor hardworking people seemed to work well for us once before…


Please, don’t even suggest that what worked then will work now.


bringing in millions of poor hardworking people seemed to work well for us once before…


Key word…BEFORE! Before your party decided to hand out money like it was fucking candy in a parade.


Key word…BEFORE! Before your party decided to hand out money like it was fucking candy in a parade.


Do you really want to compare budget deficits?


Please, don’t even suggest that what worked then will work now.


Why if anything mexicans are HARDER workers than immigrants of last century


Do you really want to compare budget deficits?

Why if anything mexicans are HARDER workers than immigrants of last century


I know they work hard BUT, there weren’t already 300,000,000 people here looking for jobs!