Gearhead Auto Plaza vs Yetti

this is awesome. if you guys want we can just get some mat time. or i have gloves and headgear which would make it fun as well. but i prefer wrestling over boxing. but would be more than willing to do either. let me know.

oo and for the above comments. bouncing is far from a career path just some spare cash to throw at the car. and as far as brains i have a degree in mechanical engineering. which doesnt always prove people are smart but in this case it does :slight_smile:

give it a rest already dude.

fucking yawn

dont bother ofering to box, ive tried at least 6 time over the years with random people on here and other local forums, it never happens lol

shit man i’ll do that shit

im game for throwin hands ,i always need the practice

see now this could be a shift event we could all enjoy. haha. and dustin are you gonna be at gearhead tomorrow i plan on swinging by to say watup and actually talk to you guys and i havent seen you in atleast a year

lol dude silent just refreshed my memory ha ha ive known you since like 89 lol didnt reconize the screen name for some reason i think ive had 1 to many concusions this past year man, i might swing by there later i have a few things to do tomarrow,the deceptibox needs a oil change

Well this thread has taken a turn for the gay.

true, your in it. :tongue

somebody offered me $275 for the steering rack :shifty


cool. i’ll take that cheddar cheese whenever you got it for me.

Yep, ill get it to you as it comes in.

thanks brougham

wow the name of this thread was more intresting than the hole thread its self.

this thread fucking sucks

Then don’t post in it, smarty.

its better to not say anything and have people think youre stupid, than to speak and have them KNOW youre stupid.

now quit acting like a bunch of girls on the rag. shut up.


You’re a little late there B----.

i was just confirming with my fellow posters in this thread that it was a very bad thread