Gears - noobie online

I think I played it online like once.

Anyone wanna play with me?

i would if i had time :frowning: been a while since ive played gears, too many other good games out. but online is badass :clap: maybe this weekend

i will, add me im cyclops1914 on there.

What happened to this “One game at a time!” BS???


i’m transitioning, my R6 disc is pretty scratched, i keep getting “this disc is not readable” bullshit

add me “resurrected J” i’ll play as well

stop wasting ur time and money on this bullshit and start playing wow again

bahahah WOW

hey toda, how bout those METS!!!

Howie, is your box flashed?, i can send you a dvd of r6 if it is.

Playing again, add me :

Boosted GVR4

PS. Fuck you toda lol

PPS. no, xbox is stock lol

Poor Toda. :mamoru:

I would like my box flashed. :frowning: