Gears of War

the song was also on donnie darko… whats the name of it?

mad world

and it is a good tune :tup:

the game got a 9.6 on gamespot , I want to play it but do not want to buy a 360, I wish they had it for pc

this is the best game I’ve ever played! it’s more then I expected

to bad its not out for the PC

I think the music fits the commercial very well, and is a great commercial. Def did its job by getting me interested in the game.

does it follow suit of the song they choice for there comercial?

makes me wish i didn’t sell my 360 back when haha

ya i think so

I have about 13 hours into now. Playing co-op on live is the AWESOME!

^^ has a shitty 360.

Game is titties though

This is one of the best games ive ever played :eekdance:

now we have to get some NYSpeed XB live going!

Itagaki, did you pick this up yet? I want to see it :ohnoes:

Yea, I’ll probably be playing it online once I get home tonight around 7:30 or 8:00.

Be online with my buddy tonight as well… Koop526 and Scullver… lets get some multiplayer action going later!!!

I REALLY hope they do a port for it.

i beat it 1st day on easy… but thats not much to brag about…

xbox live acct = shiftdead send me invites

i think it’s cool as hell. i really want a 360 now. i swore i wouldn’t buy one until halo 3 dropped, but i might break and get one. i’m hearing nothing but good things about that game. that commercial was the only thing i saw about it that caught my attention. everything else i just kind of ignored pre-release. it was just cool to see an FPS shooter commercial where it wasn’t to some cheesy played out hard rock song by some shitty band like disturbed.

I could nitpick the game, but, fact is, if you have a 360, and you enjoyed story driven, intense shooters like F.E.A.R. or Halflife, you need to get Gears of War.

Do yourself a favor, and play it on co-op. The game is built to be played with a friend. Going it solo has you relying on the A.I. controlled squad members, and they’re more of a liability than anything.

I need to A) get more time to play video games and B) get this game


RX3 was over playing it last night. Once he started getting over the controller learning curve we was starting to enjoy it. Come on Rick, you know you want a 360… come to the other dark side!