General G has had too much wine

The best drunk buzz…HOMEMADE WINE

2 gallons of homemade wine in 30 minutes…

We’re bottling hard cider tonight…

Oh yeah! Sampling the homemade concord pretty hard…

Sleepin in tomorrow!!! :hitit: :hitit: :hitit:

what a winer

I prefer Wino!!!

I’ll be passed out by 9pm…it sucks to be old.

i do that with out drinking!:smiley:

old people and wine :kekegay:

young ppl that wine^^^^^^^^^^^^^:D


This just in:

A picture of me with inventory…

And a picture of the bottling crew…

do they drink while bottling? paint that basement!

barry makes dago red??? whooohooo!!

shag would put a nice dent in your “inventory”

yea if it where black velvet and iced tea. Shag like leaving bottles in my alley and he likes peeing in the dead bushes…

ever made MED wine?!? thats shit is good. I make that at my house.

[crackhead] I seen him!!! [/crackhead]


:rofl: the homies do it :kekegay:

New Photo, wife made labels for the bottles…

wheres my bottle at barry :slight_smile:

im stopping over your house after work tomorrow :naughty: