Doin a little winemaking

See pics below…

I made 6 gallons of Concord grape, grapes I grew

5 gallons of Blush Zinfidel, bought these grapes

6 gallons of Pear wine, from our orchard

And the big jug on the bottom right is hard cider, apples from our orchard.

Concord is ready to drink, Zinf and Pear need 6 months, Hard Cider should be ready in a week or two.

It’s a great hobby, I went all out, hydrometers, corker, 4 fermenters…my wife even bought me a labelmaker for Christmas so I’ll be able to keep track!


Damn thats a nice racket you have goin on, what else can you grow :rofl:

which one taste the best, im clueless on wine.


Chicks like the Zinfindel, Concord is pretty sweet (easy to drink), Pear tastes like cough syrup, and the Hard Cider is doubled fermented so it packs the punch.

FYI - I had an old Italian (wife’s grandfather) helping me make the vino. Ever see the old gallon jugs with XX and XXX on the outside. The X signifies how many ferments the juice went through. My hard cider is going to be a XXX. Then I’ll freeze the whole batch and cut off the top 2 inches(just water)…Should pack a pretty good punch!

is that all to yourself?
maybe next year sell some and buy a Mustang :kekegay:

I make wine too. I just made some apple but I am afraid I stopped it too early.

fuck wine… make moonshine

totally different process.

If any of your wine doesn’t suit your tastes, I guess you could toss it in this and make brandy…

mmmmmmmmmmm, can I have some? :x:

generalG, what if it has been almost 2 months and the airlock is still going. Mine was still bubbling once every 18 seconds, but I just went ahead and added neutralizer. Could this be bad?