Geoff's 08 1000RR thread

I <3 my leo vince

I lol’d

Nice pick up! 08 right?

Eliminated the shitty looking fender and threw on a black puig double bubble. Itching to rideeeee.

Nice. I can’t wait to ride either. I saw some guys out last night and was wishing I could tag along. LOL


wanna sell me it? i could use another orange steed in my stable.

Looking good. You can never use enough tie downs.

lol. we have 6 currently holding 2 bikes and we’ve been rolling around daytona beach like this all week

edit: your rear looks hot


ugh… i think i love this bike.

whose shitty black bike is that behind yours?

i want a honda so badlyyyyyyyyy

Looks much better… But,is it fast?

takeoff the chain gaurd, makes it sexier

what under tail is that

Bikelitez. I found an online coupon and got it for like 100 bucks shipped.

Here’s a straight-on pic of the undertail and plate bracket (lit with LEDs). You can see the LED turn signals tucked in there.

The bike now has ~800 miles on it, oil was changed at ~600 and I’m starting to open it up a bit.

I <3 Power. Photoshoot to follow.

Sell me your stock one,pick up same bike few weeks ago and yes the modding has begun lol

Snapped a few quickies yesterday with Scott:

Nice, wheel trim adds a nice touch.

looks slow. we gotta ride soon.

loooooks gooooood

Rim tape sets that bike off