George Bush "doesn't care about" black people

Poor Mike Myers :frowning:

Excuse meā€¦ā€œdoesnā€™t careā€

hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha breath

Quick go to Chris Tucker!

kaynea is the man hahahahahaha

ā€œbush does not care about black peopleā€ hahahaha ROFL

at least someone said itā€¦

damn its a slow load for me :frowning:

but i can imagine what he says, rofl kayne is so outspoken

edit: it just loaded LOL


if you pause it and let it load itā€™ll play much better

AHAHAHAH that is the funniest thing i have ever seen


ā€œth th they have given them permission ta ta to go down and shoot usā€ -kanye
lol lol lolzzz :rofl:


:lol: well said Kanyeā€¦

Bush doesnt care about much reallyā€¦truthfully, i dont think he even knows whats really going on half the time

its not that he doesnt care about black people, its that he donesnt care aboutā€¦ Poor Black People

I posted this on my livejournal on august 1stā€¦ and itā€™s so true this weekā€¦

itā€™s the pretty much reason behind everything bad bush has ever done in his years as president.

ha, president. hardly.

Wellā€¦rightā€¦heā€™s a republican.

Yeah Kayne, its Bushā€™s fault some morons built a city under sea level near an ocean, and some other morons stuck around to loot and rape while the gettinā€™s good. That must be it. You figured it out. :lol:

Ignorant statements :tup:

go kanyeā€¦too bad nbc backed off of it and tried to condemn him for it

Your sig hurts my feelbads.

hmmm sounds to me like Kanye has a little problem reading que cardsā€¦ Mike looked like he would rather be anywhere besides next to kanyeā€¦

I donā€™t think there were any cue cards involved in thisā€¦

lol this is funny neverthelessā€¦

but somewhat true - or something else is up

i think its funny how he flies over, and doesnt stop and eveybody thinks he hates the bl;ack manā€¦did you people not see the videos of people oooting gun stores and walking around killing eachother? its total anarchy down there, how can you expet the president to safly land on an air strip mobes by gun wielding wakos. dont get me wrong im against gun controllā€¦but people like that shouldnt have em. Instead of banding together to help eachother in their time of need they are acting like total fucking children and being retarded. Looting, raping, killing. Too bad more of them didint drown, maby their wouldnt be as much of a problem now. Not to sound like an asshole but seriously, if your not going to helpā€¦then dont become part of the problem.