Gettin new wheels


I don’t know if this is gonna work showing my wheels here, but I’m ordering them tonite, so I should have them on my car in a week or so. I just thought I’d show’m off and see what you all thought of them.

If you can’t see them here I have a picture of one in my garage.

nice wheels!

for what whip again? :confused:

my bad, I’ve been lurking this site and haven’t had much to say since I joined up. It’s a 2002 Civic ex, I got some crappy pics of it in the garage section of this place, but I’ll definitely be taking some better hi-res pics once I get these on there.

looks like an accord :smiley:

well I just posted the ass shot since that’s what people around here see the majority of the time

but I’m pretty sure it’s a civic :slight_smile:


not bashing your ride, but where you live in the artic region and RWD sucks :smiley:

well it is PA, and it does snow 9 months out of the year

I’m not serious though, no one really ever wants to have a run from a light or anything when I’m driving around, at least no one where it would be a good race.

An example, I’m on McKnight road about a month ago and I come to a stop light, and what pulls up beside me? A 2003 Cobra. So I rev, he revs, then he kicks my ass. I just wanted to see how badly a cobra would destroy me


you sure it wasn’t the modular motor just coming to idle, and thought it was reving :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure, cause the rumble made me want to crap myself because I didn’t think he had it in him

Kind of like a “I wonder if he’ll run me, nope didn’t think so, oh sh…”

i heard there is a tailpipe less debadged 5.0 floating around that area , watch out :slight_smile:

Your not the only one that dosn’t have tailpipes. :itr41:

the weight loss = ricer

badges,We don’t need no stinken badges.

:rofl: :rofl:

right!with out badges its easy to mistake for a crown vic or an f-1 nothing :stick:

nice wheels!

thanks, I should have’m on by next weekend. They’re coming UPS ground from Michigan, so depending on whether they go out today or tomorrow, I should see them next friday or saturday. At least I’m hoping that’s when I’ll get’m :slight_smile:

Ok so, here are some updated pics of my car, the camera sucks, but basically you can see what it looks like…