I have an old HP that I’m going to use only for web browsing and playing music on… thats it. It’s pretty damn old (circa 98-99). It’s a 533Mhz w/128megs of pc100 memory
and supprisingly “barely” running XP pro SP2. I’m working on setting it up to just run/start the BARE Minimum of services and figured I’d just wipe the slate clean so to speak but my problem is that HP no longer supports it so I cannot find drivers for it online anywhere.
is there a way to backup the drivers that are currently installed on this version of windows so I can use them when I re-install it? I’d run win2K or 98SE if it wasnt for the fact that it doesn’t support media center 11 (need it for XM)
Hmm XP didn’t detect them automatically?
driverguide.com if you know what hardware is in it.
see I don’t remember if it did or not so I’m a little sketchy about wiping them out without backing 'em up, just in case. I’d hate to not be able to get online as a result.
I’m installing belarc advisor now so i’ll try to id the hardware in it
LOL, i’m thinking drivers as in people driving cars, HP as in horse powers, i looked at the thread title and was like WTF is this engrish?
lol nah
I just threw in a spare 80 gig drive and installing… if worse comes to worse, I’ll just throw the old one back in.
Use that program. It will scan your hardware and tell you what drivers you need.
Hope this helps.
seems to be running ok :tup: thanks for the replies