Getting rid of a penny.

store eats 2cents? dont take any of this guys financial advice


Also what are we going to do to keep the jews busy? They love picking up pennies

We could be like other countries and have the tax included in the advertised price and just round from there.

it wont happen, becasue of the tax calculations I bet. If they got rid of it and made me have to round up or down on my pos’, I would have to get new book keeping software, AllData would need to send out an update, and the penny pinchers (pun intended) at the IRS would somehow audit everyones books to make sure they are rounding UP, to the nearest .05, not down. There is alot of fuckin work to just get rid of 1 cent

^ that is so damn tacky.

Was going to say something but didn’t want to come off racist…but I will say they did it because it’s likely far cheaper per square foot for decent tile these days…

and which direction will they round

I fucking love it. Lets see it done with Susan B

At that point in time there will be no rounding.

With tax calculated into the price…

If something sells for $1.00 it will be $1.00 at the register.

If it’s $1.05 it will be $1.05

When it comes to calculate taxes for business in the quarter and file all those forms the checks/calculations will be digital and accounted exact down to a penny since there is no cash involved.

If business wants to be a dick and make prices such as $.93/.95/.98/.99 etc finicky customers that bitch and moan about everything won’t be too fond of that, so many won’t.

Thats a shiity answer and meaningless

just sayin

That was stating the obvious, obviously

love u

the minute we start adding tax into the price, people forget about how much the tax man robs them. That said, Im all about it…as long as the law allows businesses to clearly post how much is tax. I wish NYS gas pumps showed and broke down the taxes.

Speaking of gas is it a law to be 9/10 of a cent instead of an even amount?

Pretty sure it’s just a mental trick. For what ever reason 3.999 looks better than 4.00 to the customer. Hell it’s working since when we see gas for 3.899 we say “gas is 3.89” and not “gas is just about 3.90”

Ah scratch that. Just reading it was introduced back when gas was cheap and raising the price by a penny was a huge jump. Say from 8-9 cents a gallon would be like a 12% jump. So they started pricing by the tenth of a cent and it just stuck.

/\ so that nonsense should have gone out the window before I was born.

I do like the challange now at the pump. Completing a “perfect pump” is hard a hell now! lol

(going WOT and letting off the pump to land exactly on your $20.00 amount)