Getting rid of a penny.

There are talks about US getting rid of it.

Canada just recently got rid of their penny.

Thoughts, comments, concerns?




Great so my road rage costs would go up 4 cents a target.

voted no!

Eh why not. They’re only good for throwing at homeless people anyway.

And strippers…

expect prices to go up nationwide. Can price shit @ $0.99 when you cant get pennies

While I’d like to vote yes, because they’re worth less than how much it costs to make them and to me that means it’s a waste, so much shit in our country would rise in price. Look at gas for example, it’s not $4.00, it’s $3.999.

If our currency continues to be inflated like it is, then I could make more cents (get it?) of this.

:rofl hmmmmm

i vote no, why should we suck canadas dick with everything they do?

I voted no strictly because that is the best response in this thread. +rep if i can.

I say sure. Lets stop making them. Considering how many purchases are made electronically, rising prices would be negligible. Plus you could then melt down your pre 1982 pennies (the copper ones) and triple your money…OK so it’s only $.03…but, if you got a few thousand of them…

I fucking hate change.

Whenever I get any I just put it in jars at home and let it add up.

ditch them. the amount of money that could be save is astronomical.

I’ll leave this tidbit here. I’ve got a collection of rare coins from my youth and have some literature/books along with them. In 1986, between the mints in the country over 10 BILLION pennies were made. You read that correctly. Subsequent years have been between 4 and 9 billion every year.

but there are other issues that arise when it comes to this. Like how to adapt sales taxes on products in retail stores for one thing. I mean if something comes out to $15.12 after tax, do you charge $15.15 and the store keeps the 3 cents, or do you charge $15.10 and the store eats the 2 cents…

I actually used 2 pennies today at Wendy’s. It was strange… I got a nice crisp dollar back though instead of a bunch of fucking COINS.

I cannot stand handling dirty shit booger covered nasty ass germ transporter coins. Pennies the most. Get 'em out of here!

And dollar bills are any cleaner? Think about the asscracks (male and female strippers) the $1 dollar bills you use have been in. And we know how nasty most strippers in this area are.

Nope, theyre not. I use cash as little as possible. Debit card ftw

inb4imbeingtracked lol

Pjb brings up a good point… Can’t do blow with a penny do gtfo…

Pjb happy birthday and go to rehab you coked out party animal

soon they will get rid off the dollar because that will be worthless too. just theory. but good one

i mean who hasnt thrown a penny on the ground? or if it drops do you bother to bend over and pick it up?