GH3 for wii

does anyone have a reciept for the bundle? my wife seemed to have “misplaced” it and certain buttons on my guitar are not working. i would like to take it back to exchange it, any help would be appreciated.

y not just go exchange it? you dont always need the receipt especially if you are getting the same thing

i wasnt sure if they will just exchange it or make me use a receipt

i know the guitar for the Wii is notorious for the whammy bar choosing to or not to work at random times…and there’s no explanation i know of why. sometimes unplugging the Wiimote and putting it back in the guitar helps…but not always.

also, while we’re on the topic…anybody know how you can get the Wiimote to stop making that annoying sound whenever you miss a note? any way the Wiimote can be muted so all sounds come from the TV only?

You can change the volume of the controllers by changing the control settings on the Wii.

(Home -> settings on bottom -> Controller volume.)

:tup: thanks…that’s been driving me insane up to now…

my green button stopped working, works intermittently. i bought it at target on transit. im going to try and take it back. ugh

well taht didnt go well, so does anyone have a reciept i can borrow?

what did they say??

they said they cant do anything without a receipt because i paid for it with cash and not a cc

did u tell them all you want is the same thing i have done it tons of times

yes i did, i told them i just wanted a new neck for the guitar if they ddint want to give me a whole new package.

even walmarts being dicks about receipts now, ive never had a problem but they wont even do exchanges anymore without them.

yeah oh well, if anyone can help that would be cool, i dont feel like taking this thing apart

well i did some research and i guess its due to the detachable handle, so i cleaned the connectors off and put it back together and its been working fine since then