Ghost Hunters international

premiers tonight @ 9:00. Just a heads up for anyone interested.


on a lighter note, i listened to O&A this morning, I couldn’t stop lolling at “jimmy tide”

Ive been watching ghost hunters all day :slight_smile:
I was just going to make a thread about it.

LOL jimmy tide 08

and ill prob watch a bit of it…see how it is

I want to go to the St. Augustine lighthouse.

Watching it right now, the lighthouse episodes are pretty nuts…

Did you see that?

I just started watching this show. Definitely fun.
part 1
part 2
part 3

for anyone who missed it

I HATE ANDY!!! I thought he was off the show but holy fuck is that dude annoying!

yeah, he’s gotta hang out on the other side of a glory hole if ya know what I mean

No doubt, on top of that hes fucking annoying just interjecting his opinion every 5 minutes. STFU ALREADY!

that lead guy Robb seemed like a prick to me. i actually like andy a lot. brian is the one that got booted b4. maybe your thinking of him??

No brian doent but me hes just a doof. Andy has this little “look what i found” attitude with everything he does. I guess i just find it annying. I agree about the lead guy too, super douche.

yeah, the lead guy seems a little uptight or something

jay and grant should of went instead