Ghost Hunters Live: Buffalo Central Terminal, 6 Hours on Halloween

6 hours of live ghost hunting?! Sheesh… at least it’s some local exposure:

What a horrible show. My buddy and I were ripping the one chick apart on how amazed she was at the lazer pointer.

I was waiting for newman to show up with his night vision on

TAPS are the worst of all the ghost hunting groups, so boring, none of them have good personalities and then they have that broad with the white coat that does nothing but stand around with a dumb look on her face.

very boring, nothing happened. i did however drive down there and took a few pictures

Rappelling down the side of coarse. It was a dumb fucking show…the inside looked cool but no haunted shit.

That was an epic fail of 6 hours. Why the hell would they even want to do the central terminal. There is no freaky history to it what so ever.

Ghost hunters used to be alright a few years back, now it seems they really suck.


This was a pathetic attempt to do something scary. That was 8 minutes of my life I will never get back.

3 hours of boring programing packed neatly into 6 hours of air time …

thank god for all the commercials that really kept things moving nicely

What do you mean by worst? That show with the steroid guy is the most fake but maybe more entertaining. lol

The name escapes me at the moment but the only one that is watchable has a crew of three guys, The main one being this bro dude type guy who is always yelling at the “ghosts” to hit him or to do something. The one camera man is a religious dude and gets really freaked out all the time and they spend the show locked up in the haunted place for a night looking for evidence as opposed to just trying to debunk shit the whole time.

I always liked Scooby Doo.

Ghost Adventures!

but they’re on TV and you’re not, so…

I believe this is the show with the steroid guy lol

This is such a lame argument, So what if they’re on TV? TV is filled with boring, talentless hacks. The TAPS people suck, and their show is terrible.

Paranormal State seems to have the most action as I recall.