"Ghost Towns of China"

absolutely unbelievable.



The thing is though now that this is public and on the internet…

This city won’t be around tomorrow lol

He said the country was ‘on an economic treadmill to hell’ and the country’s bubble was ‘Dubai times 1,000’.

Yikes. It would be pretty cool to go roaming around some of those cities, though.

Almost as bad as N. Korea, where in some areas there are no tourists (obviously), and visitors but shops and businesses operate as if the place was NYC.

I watched this and it was a pretty cool “documentary”

Interesting, but in the first picture there sure seem to be a lot of cars parked for that area to be empty. I can even see a boat cruising across that lake.

IIRC they said it was a water reclamation plant. A kind of necessity to have even in a mostly abandoned city.

The hedges look like they’re trimmed pretty nicely too. Of course, maybe they’re fake hedges made in China. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fake hedges made entirely of lead and cadmium.

I could do without the lead, but mmm I love those chocolate eggs.

its a fallout for after 2012/WW3.

:rofl: The cadmium bunny.

Reminds me of the Island City of Hashima, Japan

Perfect spot to race lol


Let me at those empty 5-lane highways :tup:

wow how did you stumble upon this ? i know it was on the web but what were you googling ?

The Chinese are silly for building all of these buildings/infrastructure aren’t they?


Remember the… no of course you don’t but, Sears used to build “craftsman” homes. I wonder how long it will be before WalMart builds the “Chinese” home here. It will give a whole new perspective to the housing bubble.

So did they build these in hopes that people would leave the crowded cities and move to these cities or were these once inhibited and are now vacant?

There’s still a bunch of old craftsmen houses standing (and actually in great shape) in a historic neighborhood in Raleigh.