China, NY

This seems like an awesome yet horrible idea all wrapped into one.

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Maybe we can send everyone in NY that is on public assistance there to work in Chinese sweat shops. Then I would give this a 100% stamp of approval.

I can’t get through that article without this warning alarm screaming RED DAWN in my head.

Maybe I’ve been reading too many conspiracy posts here.

i would bet that there is some sensationalization going on in that article. It’s really not that weird.

The Chinese own most US debt and they back equity companies that are gradually acquiring huge swaths of US real estate and businesses. They’re also the largest supplier to the US for various crap and it’s inevitable that the Chinese economy will dwarf the US economy so this all seems like just a matter of time for this kind of thing to happen.

i started watching the docu-drama ‘death by china’ on netflix and had to turn it off with all the anti-communist propoganda in it. There are some great talks on TED about the chinese economy, how it functions and the strengths, advantages and also some of it’s weaknesses. they gonna win though

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also, how did you even find that article that quickly… you posted it a couple minutes after it showed up… you hunting for this kind of thing on Fox news?

It just popped up.

You can’t build a Fotomat on wetlands around here but the Chinese can build an entire city? I like nothing about this entire concept.

can’t be worse than Cuba, NY

Been there. Copper Kettle diner. Mmmmmmmm.

The Jewish alps?!?!? I can see it now, Israeli drones bombing NY. Lol

This was an awesome idea, then they unfortunately made the mistake of BUILDING IN FUCKING NEW YORK.

Good luck, this is going to be the Catskill’s Bass Pro.

By owning MOST of the US debt you mean less than 8% right?

How about we change it to must of our foreign debt.