Hypothetically speaking let's say China...

works out a deal with a Marxist governor of ohhhh, I don’t know… Idaho and buys 50 square miles to build a miny communist state right here in the USA where they can build a Chinese govt controlled manufacturing company to employee and house thousands of Chinese people.

Would this bother you at all? What if they did it in say… 4 states?

I r pissed

You drunk?

If it will fill the pockets of our congressmen, I say I’m all for it!
Hell, they’re underpaid as it is according to them.
So they need more money to stay in office since their job is so difficult!

Lol no, it’s from a movie called fletch.

haven’t seen fletch in many years…

I was gonna say, that sounds familiar…

I would be more pissed if Russia did a joint invasion with Cuba and divided the United States in half through the middle and everyone in the “dead zone” was forced to live a communist lifestyle.


BED… do you ever think of things that are productive or is the sky forever falling?

I am just relaying what I think most people have no clue about but are critical to the future of the USA. My life is all about productitivty, that is why I post things that are killing productivity of the USA. :slight_smile:

Ya it would kind of make me go “hmmm”. With that said isnt that already going on? I mean why would a country lend us billions otherwise? I mean its not like the only reason is the interest that they get from us, or the fact that we all dump it right back into the China bucket whenever we buy anything. Im going to have to do some digging to back this up, but I could have swore I read something a few years back that pretty much spelled out what you are talking about BED. Not as extreme though, and seemingly 100% legit(as far as the law is concerned cause lets face it, morals have no weight now a days unless they are used as a reason to kick out a politician).

Since when does owning land allow you to circumvent federal immigration laws? I would love to import a 3rd world domestic wench or 2 to be housed in my tiny state if this is the case.

If you were closer I’d love to work for you and pick your brain. SRSLY