Giants v. Cowboys

i’de rather we get a second stab at the Pats :smiley:

Ugh, I don’t know about that

I love green bay and all, but shit…

i want packs and the pats in the SB

green bay takes out the giants, NE takes out Green Bay for the championship

If Eli keeps his play leve up and not be a douchebag - and if we can keep that pesky safety that romps people away from plaxico - we should be ok.

go chargers… please beat NE

Sweet win. Anyone have vid of TO crying @ post game?


brady cant be stopped

that is great thank u for posting that link

I dunno if he’s faking it.

jacobs TD celebrations > *

i hate the cowboys and packers…so one down, one to go.

Go Dallas! They are my team.

Hrmmm my Prediction

Eli and Giants cannot handle GB…sorry just isn’t going to happen…it probably won’t even be close

As much as I like the Chargers (and will be rooting for them) too many injuries to be able to stand a chance against NE

NE>GB in Suprabowl…completing their perfect season

then Tom Brady just shuts down because he is actually a passing robot with one mission, win every game in a season

sry been watching too much of that new terminator show

I laughed when I saw that vid of TO in the airport this morning. But he’s right. It is pretty retarded of people to think that losing that game had anything to do with him going to Bangalotapus. Perhaps they didn’ watch the game though, everyone enjoys a scapegoat and making jokes at Romo’s expense.