
Someone say beer?

If there was a way to let everyone see it. Thing with network drama would be everyone allowed in it, including the network banned people, and if you’re offended it’s your own damn fault.

I can relate to you guys, I was one of the biggest haters when these guys took over at NYSpeed. My beef was with the new layout with car ads all over the place making it blatantly obvious that I wasn’t working at work, and with not being able to call people out for sucking in the politics forum. I got a bunch of infractions and got kicked out of one forum. After awhile though you kind of figure out a way to work within them by checking what forum you’re in, even if you still disagree about what should be cool in there and what’s not.

SO just saying random things after you’ve been proven emphatically wrong ISN’T the best way to have a conversation or argument for a point? Lunacy I tell you!!!

There are only 2 members who can’t see this right now; Cheeks and Ahmed. I can see it now; Cheeks posts a pic of Muhammad and Ahmed blows up Cheek’s house, lol.

mmmmmmmm beeeeeeer . . . .

Damn, I thought a few more people got the network boot than that since it’s been in place. I actually thought the drama was entertaining, I was all set to post my Slim Roethlisberger thread.

Or we create a network BEER thread :gotme:

It’ll just get swarmed with Iron City :lol:

I approve network beer thread.

Maybe you’re missing the part where he called one of the moderators a faggot who sucks dicks to drift tires?

Someone call the whaaaaaaaambulance.

i dunno i kinda like what these guys bring to the table. It’s kinda like having the whole badazz jnj thing revisited except on a much larger scale.

My beer thing went off.

This thread reminds me of this:

“Now’a days, errbody wanna talk like they got something to say, but nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish, and mutha fuckas act like forgot about Dre.”

Hmmm… I haven’t even reached LS1 level, just LT1. And my lawn tractor is a John Deere. I must be a complete hillbilly!

PA has a town called Altuna, that’s all I’m gonna say.

Altoona. Location of the founding Sheetz. Run and tell that.

i was actully just listening to this and i was going to post the same thing up but i put a movie on and forgot lol