girls are safe tonight!

Thats something to be real proud of … :rolleyes:

Fucking loser

i am proud of it.if u havent noticed most my friends are black

wow … :rolleyes:

im cool wit who i am why aint u.u gonna go convert every wigger

me banned for what hahahaha

odds are you will be dead soon. you talk that way to someone’s sister or cousin and you will end up shot!! youre the kind of trash this world needs to be rid of. and i hope smokindiesel does you a favor and ends youre wantabee life

if yorue proud of being black then let me put you in youre fucking place. go jump off the boat cause we dont want you here. you need fucking smacked you bitch

the way i see things… if the girl sleeps with you the first night… i wouldn t feel to LUCKY cause your probally tapping something that everyone else in the club had…

i like something more of a challenge with respect for herself before i go out fucking ANYTHING that comes from clear waterz… allthough it is known to be a WIGGER bar…

why cause im not a racest fuck like u.if u didnt notice i dont care who the fuck likes me or who hates dont bother me one bit.ill still be sleepin fine 2night yo.

is this a pic of tray???

best thread ever!!! lol

that aint me.i would atleast have a thuglife tatt on my stomach.and since when did how u dress have anything to do with a carsite haha.i dont take this much heat from and there worse than here.altho when ppl talk about me i do love it cause i get a kick out of it.i love when ppl hate on me