cobra chick

Her car here:

More of her here:

2 things…

  1. Attention Whore ^ 13462396545620536923534

  2. Give that Attention Whore a Double Bacon Cheeseburger cuz she looks like the 12 year old ethiopian boys Darkstar fucks.


Shes not really that great, just skinny and tall. Otherwise shes kinda beat.

shes a 5 in my book

f that bitch…i want the s4!!


You guys are all trippin! Furthermore you would probably lose all your game if she was is front of you.

x2…everytime there is pics of chicks on here everyone acts like they got mad game and whatever chick it is aint shit to them :blah: :finger:

:eek: snit!!!

kind of a “butter-face” but i’d def still hit it drunk and probly sober…

i mean ‘model’ or not… she looks decent… i’d rather see a decent ‘real’ girl than a hot fake girl

I am going to have to say shes pretty sexy. Her legs and stomach look real tight. Her face is pretty. She has a certain sex appeal to her. She has a decent ass. I would love to hit it sober. I would DEFINITLY :hitit:

i’d hit it and spooge on the mustang.

I may

id gladly screw any one of those 3 girls with no hesatation all u guys would to dont even lie :idhitit:

LOL … You wouldn’t know what to do with a girl like that. Dont lie bro


lol did u see her one pic?she looks like casper the anirexic(sp) ghost

wow … you just described yourself … awesome

haha im not casper i fake bake sometime

a wigger with a pink car that fake bakes having standards thats just funny

i dont care who you are thats just plain ole funny