Give a great custom title

Name: Evolve
Title: Soco-lime
Reason: He likes bitch drinks.

for as being as awesome as i am, and loved by everyone…im surprised i don’t have a better one.

Name: Beck
Title: Dancing Machine



That was just the beginning.

I can only imagine lol

I felt really bad, because about halfway through “The Electric Slide”, I jumped in the air, touched my fingers to my toes and landed in a split. I just knew it was going to get every bitch in that place wet as fuck. About ten seconds later the whole place smelled like a JV girls locker room.


Name: 2turboz
Title: aWristacrat
Reason: Because he jerks off too much wishing he was other members.

That is unfunny, uninspired, and untrue.

Today’s Triple U is sponsored by fat property owners who claim to get laid twice a day.

Name: Just Karter
Title: Cronus
Reason: If he had babies, he would eat them too

LOLOLOLOLOL Im pro choice to the fullest extent, so dont worry.

lol i still think 4doorbabe won

Fixed, get it right

name: floridagrown
title: ponzie

Name: Just Karter
Title: Will Eat You
Reason: its obvious

Finally a good post :tup:

There is hope for you yet.

i guess there is no longer hope for you kyle…

agreeing with Karter, u sux at lyfe now

I approve of this thread.


The fact that he insults himself at 12:15am means I don’t have to think so hard about how to do it.