give it a try

this game is a riot and its simply.
give it a try and post your best. i got to 25m

29.6 m lol HARD


failll :rolleyes:


i no lol i tried that alien game it was alright until i beat it in like oh 5minutes

i win 38.6 metres

-3.9…landed on Qwop’s head! I suck :frowning:

aw hell no

I completely fail at this game.
Someone please explain the secret lmao.

my method is once you are kneeling with on knee on the ground, just spam the keys in this order: QW OP

Basically crawl your way there lol

I win, I beat the game

Oh man i do it legit… no crawling
just the funny walking and gay running

I do it legit for like the first 10m, then i start geting out of control lol

i run legit

dude wtf!!

LMFAO, epic

LOL there is a wall back there thats hilarious