Glass Collectors ITT

Post yo’ glass

Just shined 'er up a lil.

What are you other friendly gentleman smoking your tobacco and tobacco accessories out of?

Here’s my “glass” (without the whip attached):

I used 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, and salt. Let everything soak covered in the alcohol for a while, add salt, shake vigorously. This should take almost anything off, but some stubborn places you might need to scrape, or repeat above steps. The alcohol is like $1 for a huge bottle, the salt is like $3 for a huge canister.

FWIW I don’t understand the whole chick in her panties hitting a bong, not really attractive to me…aside from the chick in the panties.


It’s the only thing positive that I could add to this thread. Step back, give me a head nod, and continue.

that was intended to be commentary, not criticism. moar?

That’s what I have been doing as well. Works pretty good.

Although the last time I didn’t feel like running to the DRUG store to get alcohol, so I just used dish soap and a long ass wooden poker stick to scrape the tobacco :rofl

I added some “glass” to my previous post. :wink:

very sick

I want to try out a vap bad! I have been debating buying one, but i dont think id really plunk down the cash one one without trying it.

do want:

Jesus all this fancy stuff. I just use good ole zig-zags

you barbarian

I have some good shit too…would probably taste wonderful out of some nice glass or vape

in a vape it would taste like buttered toast, like everything out of a vape tastes like…next time you smoke yours chris…think about it.

mmmmm toast

It tastes more like movie theatre popcorn if you leave it in too long… :lol

Buttered toast I can definitely see, too.

97cavy… get one. You won’t regret it. I got mine at northern lights for ~220 after tax.

Buttered toast - affirmative.

