Globe1280's 4CYL FTL Horizon Grey Civic Build.

This thread should be closes since the car is done

No it shouldn’t you tard. The car will never be “Done”

Yea right its getting parted out in 3 months any way

No way

Ok We will save this and see

I made one post. Hardly alot of anything.


ok let make this clear


AWD is the only one I havent owned but Ive driven a few and it sure is nice.


dont argue! AWD owns!

theres alot to go through, but i can take your posts , cut out the junk and make a new thread with the relevant info and trash this one.

might as well let it go. Its probably 29 pages of bullshit out of 30 pages.

try 40 pages.

Ive got it set to show 40 per page

well arent you special.

Thats what my mom says I am.

Yeah no big deal Brett, I don’t really mind the nonsense to much. It makes for good fun.


Properly setup Rwd>Awd
